MovieChat Forums > Outlander (2014) Discussion > White Western Women love this series.

White Western Women love this series.

White women thing.


I got bored with it halfway through Season 2, and I have always had issues with them leaving out some good stuff from the books, upping the drama unnecessarily, the use of rape as a plot device, and I'm still angry about Jamie beating Claire on the butt with a belt to save face with his men. It's one reason I'll never picture Jamie as a love interest for myself.


Yeah, but are you white, though?


Do real Scotsmen go totally nekkid under the kilt? :D


At a point in my life, I was active in a Celtic dance/music chattroom. A likely young lad was trying to promote his EnnZedd Celtic dance troupe, in wake of the Riverdance behemoth.
His cheeky answer to the everlasting question of "What do you wear under your kilt?" was "Your daughter's lipstick!"

(and YES! He further said that it got him a black eye once)


For me the turning point was when she walked around singing "Boogie woogie bugle boy" in 17th Century Scotland, at that time she would have been burned as a witch for talking in tongues! I kept going though but the male rape scene was just too much and the show had already crossed into torture porn often before that anyway.

Throw in that she was never even like a 1940's woman anyway let alone would have been able to survive in the 17th century with her attitude.


Can't answer for white women or white folks in general but my wife and I have been enjoying it.


Not really. I know people on my job who watch this show and they're not white.


I beg to differ. I was turned onto the books many years ago by an old white male internet friend who described them as "Action/adventure cleverly disguised as chick lit." At the time, Voyager was for sale at my village grocery, so that was my 1st book. I was hooked!
When I went to Barnes & Noble for Outlander, I couldn't find it anywhere, & had to ask for help. It was in the sci fi section!
I do really love the series, think the filmmakers have done amazing work to bring it to life, but Diana Gabaldon's books are so very rich in detail. I believe that she herself has gone thru the stones & back to bring us this story. *wink*


"White, Western Woman" here. I only made it through one episode and I hated it. And generally I love historical/time-travel romances.


Still, OP has a point. My mom, a white western woman, loves this show. Honestly it just seems more like a mom thing to me. From what I've seen it looks pretty bad. She's a big fan of the books as well


Happily, the OP is dead. Nah, he is wasn’t racist or anything.


I'll have to look it up.
