so underrated

why is this show so underrated. for me it's clearly the best show airing these days but it seems like it doesnt get much love, why is that??
does anybody thinks that westworld is better than this?? or even atlanta?? it's not the same genre but dont feel like atlanta is good enough slice-of-life comedy for it's rate, specialy comparing to shows like this.


Episode 3 of Westworld started to bore me a little.

This latest episode of Quarry was quite good and I'm only liking it more. This is overall the more immersive show.

Reported for doody.


why is this show so underrated. for me it's clearly the best show airing these days but it seems like it doesnt get much love, why is that??

I think you are comparing apples with oranges, "Quarry" is an underground and acquired taste as was "Banshee", both made by Cinemax and some of the creators of "Banshee" are now part of "Quarry". You can't compare a show like "Quarry" to a commercialized hyped show like "Westword", what separates them is something called "depth". Most people don't have the attention span to seat and watch a show about a Vietnam vet with issues in the 1970's who is hired as a hit men but the show has very little to do with the killing than it does with the character's personal lives. "Quarry" is another out of box show, just like "Banshee" where at first no one knew what to make out it. These are shows that become classics and make their mark in history and "Quarry" is certainly is heading on that path. I am actually glad "Quarry" is not liked by the masses because then it wouldn't have its own unique identity. This is a show people will read about in a year or two when it becomes one of the most successful running shows and how they missed out on watching it because they were watching Westworld. The reason the Quarry is not getting the "love" you expect is due to a depth deficit.


I didnt know about this banshee show, i'll put it high on my priority list


It's the dumbest series ever. Seriously awful.


This show is brilliant. I'm not only saying this because I followed this thing ever since it was like announced, I'm saying it because they really made something big here. Powerful, well written drama. Original and well told story.

In Nolan I Trust.
Favorite TV shows:


I'm with you, friend-o. This show is pretty amazing. I love Westworld too although that one is more of a thinker. This's more visceral. It's top notch.


I think The night of and Quarry are the top 2 series this year.

Atlanta and Westworld are amazing to. It just what feeling you get that makes one better then the other.

But the writing in The night of and Quarry are excellent.


couldnt agree more


I think this is more enjoyable than WW - i like WW, but the dialogue, the acting, the writing, it is just your typical HBO Emmy bait - very pretentiously patronizing (I am gonna get hate for that but who cares)

As for Atlanta - Donald Glover is the only reason to watch it - not a fan of the characters and it seems a lot more drama than comedy IMHO - definitely does not deserve the 100% rating on RT, in fact, i gave up after 4 episodes and decided to wait for a DVD release, not entertaining enough to keep up with it weekly IMHO (another thing i'd get hate for)
It's Always Sunny will be in it's 12th season next year and that is still heaps more original than Atlanta

I think Quarry being on 'Skinemax' kinda taints it - look at Banshee, top notch drama but wasn't regarded as a great show in a lot of critics' mind because of the violence and sex

I think Quarry has been such a surprisingly consistent show - Knowing Banshee was no more after the summer, i wanted something on Cinemax to help fill that crater - Outcast destroyed that hope so i wasn't really expecting Quarry to fill the void - and it surprisingly did - although it will never be as good as Banshee IMHO it really has filled the void enough

Great, underrated show that has been overlooked this Fall


downloading this banshee show already, already hyped as *beep*


Best series I've seen since Breaking Bad, I found it absolutely captivating. Everything about it was just stellar.


Suburban Robot That Monitors Reality


I cannot believe that this series was badly received in the USA. It's certainly one of the best American dramas that I have seen in a long time with excellent performances, script and production. Logan Marshall-Green is mesmerizing and it's worth watching just for Peter Mullan.

We're watching it on cable in Europe so hopefully it won't just depend on the American ratings.
