I think this is more enjoyable than WW - i like WW, but the dialogue, the acting, the writing, it is just your typical HBO Emmy bait - very pretentiously patronizing (I am gonna get hate for that but who cares)
As for Atlanta - Donald Glover is the only reason to watch it - not a fan of the characters and it seems a lot more drama than comedy IMHO - definitely does not deserve the 100% rating on RT, in fact, i gave up after 4 episodes and decided to wait for a DVD release, not entertaining enough to keep up with it weekly IMHO (another thing i'd get hate for)
It's Always Sunny will be in it's 12th season next year and that is still heaps more original than Atlanta
I think Quarry being on 'Skinemax' kinda taints it - look at Banshee, top notch drama but wasn't regarded as a great show in a lot of critics' mind because of the violence and sex
I think Quarry has been such a surprisingly consistent show - Knowing Banshee was no more after the summer, i wanted something on Cinemax to help fill that crater - Outcast destroyed that hope so i wasn't really expecting Quarry to fill the void - and it surprisingly did - although it will never be as good as Banshee IMHO it really has filled the void enough
Great, underrated show that has been overlooked this Fall