Don’t understand...

So I watched this for a second time tonight, this time watching the ultimate edition. And for the life of me I can’t understand why it was so heavily panned. Yes there were parts I didn’t like, such as Eisenberg’s portrayal as Luther. But ultimately this was pretty enjoyable.


What I don't understand is why they keep making ridiculous movies like this. Is there actually an audience of grownups for this kind of junk? I keep telling myself this domination of current film by comic book crap is just a fad, but it has gone on for so long that, unfortunately, it looks like it will never end.


What you don't seem to understand, liscarkat (5680) is that adults are quite capable of liking a whole range of entertainment. I know it is considered chic to promote one's supposed "superior intelligence" by denigrating the artistic preferences of others but all the attempt does is demonstrate a quite childish demeanor; attempting to look "grown up."


I'm nte1igentwon and I approve this message.


Jesus. There are still adults who act like you? This kind of superiority complex is how I acted in High School. But I realized it was cringe once I was over 18. It's pathetic as fuck if you're over 30. Grow up.


The ultimate edition wasn't panned. It actually made things make sense and feels shorter because its a more enjoyable coherent story. the initial theatrical release was

What it breaks down to

-Eisenbergs HORENDEOUS performance almost single handily destroys this movie
-horrible cgi generic monster is horrible cgi generic monster..

lastly BVS wasn't earned...

we got one movie of emo superman, one wonder woman movie. then all of a sudden a team up movie and superman dies?

They didn't want to take the time to build a universe with 5 solo films before a teacup like marvel did. But wanted that avengers movie asap.


Honestly, I don't think they wouldn't have to make multiple solo movies if the movie was simply better written=and Superman didn't die. Also, Wonder Woman came out after this movie by the way.


So why didn't marvel? why are solo protagonist led movies 90% of Hollywood films... because you just dont have enough time for character development. its why even movies like knives out, a "ensemble" was still focused around 1 protaganist

I agree with you on superman not dying.. oh did Wonder Woman? damn tats even worse then


Hollywood has been churning out ensemble action movies for decades long before the superhero boom and those movies had enough time for character development. That they decide to let them wear tights and capes shouldn't make a difference. While I cannot explain Hollywood's hesitance when it comes to superheroes, but I won't entirely dismiss it as impractical.


at the same rate of solo films? no they haven't Jesus man.

top grossing films of 2019
-engame- ensemble
-alladin- solo
-frozen 2- solo
-spiderman- solo
-captain marvel- solo

top grossing 2018
-Infinity war- ensemble
-black panther- solo
-Incredibles- lets say ensemble
jurrasic world -solo
-aquaman -solo
-bohemiam rhapsody- solo
-mission impossible- solo
deadpool 2 - solo

top grossing films 2017
-last jedi -ensemble
-ragnoraok -solo
-beauty and the beast-solo
-fast and furious- ensemble
-guardians -ensemble
-wodner woman- solo

no one is saying ensembles never existed. ia grey they are becoming more prevalent with the superhero era as my lists show. But even the ensembles or done with many solos inbeteen. to give time for development.

its not a "superhero" thing. its a basic storytelling thing. most hour and a half to 2 hour movie cant get enough character development done. so you expect them to cover 5 characters well in the same time?



" the same rate of solo films? no they haven't Jesus man."

You having reading and comprehension problems? When did I say let alone imply they were being made at the same rate? I just typed earlier that Hollywood is hesitant to try it more often.
As for character development and storytelling, yes I can expect them to do a solid job because it's been done before in other genres for years.

Also "most hour and a half to hour hour movies cant get enough character development done". Have you watched movies lately? Yes they can and they have.


I hated it , couldn't get watch it all the way through , thought it was so boring, just all over the place


It wasn't good...Maybe it wasn't bad, but it definitely wasn't good.


Reply to my post too
