Save your money

This is s an ok movie but does not even compare to The Heat. Proves comedy is really tough if not done right. Like both these ladies but no chemistry and not funny... Predictable too. Skip it and wait for Redbox. Just saying


Why would I want to watch it even on Redbox?

Life is short, don't waste any of it on bad entertainment.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.
RIP Roger Ebert


I will never understand that! People tell you how bad or mediocre a movie is, but tell you to watch it on Netflix or Redbox. Why on earth would I spend any time (I put a value on my time but many people don't on their's), one penny or effort to watch something that you just said was not very good? That sounds moronic and idiotic. Would you tell a person to have a birthday dinner at a restaurant you KNOW serves crappy food? Makes no sense, especially since there are other movies, programs and events that are worth you time.


All I meant was Redbox and Netflix are a lot cheaper then going to the cinema to see this. Don't want to waste anyone's time. Redbox is 1.00 or 1.50. Just saying a cheaper way then the route I took and now I regret going to see this is all.


Even if someone offered to send me a free copy of this, I just couldn't bring myself to watch it.


Was this one of those movies where the trailer showed all the funny parts then. The trailer had me laughing.


Yes, and with everything else going on in the movie those parts just sort of fell flat to me.


I must have missed the part of where the trailer's scenes were funny because it was tediously humourless with Vergara being talentless as ever.


What's wrong with Redbox recommendation?on a slow night, it could be your favorite movie of all time.


Hard to believe that the Colombian lady is the highest paid actress on TV. SHe just yells and shows cleavage.


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But it's nice cleavage ...


I agree. Wish I had read this before yesterday: would have saved myself $12 and 2 hours. This was a complete waste.


I hadn't seen anything Melissa McCarthy was in before I saw "The Heat", and I particularly liked her character. Others have said that is "her style" and find it annoying, but since I'd not seen her before? Well, she fit the role well. Also, she was very competent as a police officer, if unorthodox, but not outside the stereotypical but acceptable as funny male actors who play foul-mouthed cops who are considered likeable.

They really showed Witherspoon as being incompetent and ineffective, which is really insulting to the many very fine female police officers out there who can rock and roll as hard and long as other male counterpart. And they have to do it smarter too, generally having less mass and strength. Sure, they went on to show more of Witherspoon's character's strength but it just couldn't save the overall film for me. Plus, of course, Sofia's also typical character style: high maintenance, material and looks driven concerns.

That being said, however, they did some crude, explicit descriptions of female processes, etc. to be funny comparable to guy's doing it so, more power to them. I was looking for a light comedy, but it was hard to get into this one.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..." Roy Batty, Blade Runner.


Hot is a far better movie and funnier movie. Heat was very repetitive of everything done in a male buddy movie. Remember the car blowing up after the wrong person gets in, only the one-millionth time that has happened. Hot was much funnier and better acted.


The Heat was hilarious, I chuckled just once during this movie.


This has to be the movie that hits multiple Razzies next year.


Looking for the like button on this comment๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘


But that cleavage, though! ๐Ÿ˜



I found the heat unwatchable so I'll be giving this a wide berth.

You actually thought McCarthy was good in the heat? Bullock?

I found it hard to root for repulsive characters.

For the record I loved identify thief and Spy.
