Elizabeth Casting...

Anna Maxwell Martin, although seems like a good actor, does not fit the aesthetics of Elizabeth. She looks so much older than Darcy despite the actress being 4 years younger. The lack of makeup combined with her puffy eyes makes her look very tired. Her attitude is also very matronly in this adaptation and she has lost all characteristic Lizzie wit and charm. The pedestrian costumes do not help her portrayal either. So disappointed!


I'm torn on that issue. On one hand I agree that the actress was too plain and looked too old to play Elisabeth. But on the other hand I have an issue with people being unecessarily rude to the actress, and the fact that in a world in which we try to fight discriminations, discriminating on beauty is still somewhat viewed as ok.
So a plain actress can't have main roles because heroines have to be pretty?? Replace "pretty" with "white" for example and you would see the problem.


I agree but for a different reason.

Her Character 'Susan' was missed in episodes of Series 2 by fans of 'The Bletchley Circle' due to her contractual obligations as 'Elizabeth' in the making of 'Death comes to Pemberley' Project.


