83% on RT
Seems to be a great flick
shareImdb rating is 7.1, will drop to 7.0 soon.
Critic rating 7.64; User rating 2.9 = 5.8/10; Verified 3.5.
Who are thee critics? Outside of some great CGI space scenes, there was nothing redeeming about this movie. They must be paid studio schills.
shareThey are highly politicised critics. You basically cannot be a critic now unless you subscribe to the cultural Marxist agenda. Ad Astra is stuffed with messaging about the ‘evil white patriarchy’ and how you should stop funding NASA and start funding Greta.
Rambo: Last Blood contravened this agenda, and so it was utterly trashed by ‘critics’, but loved by audiences.
Ad Astra RT score - critics 83% / audience 42%
Rambo5 RT score - critics 28% / audience 83%
film critics are getting very bad now. and many of them seek to be twitter famous and get loads of followers/likes and to do that they have to go big on all the far left stuff and then that seeps into their reviews.
with Ad Astra it was revered as the 2nd coming of 2001 or something so I went in with those sky high expectations ..and..ok it wasn't terrible but it was very average imo. id say the audience score is pretty spot on
Yep, it’s annoying that there are no mainstream critics that can actually be trusted, they’re all part of the Social Justice Cult. If you come across any who aren’t please let me know.
You have to wonder if IMDB nuking their message boards was part of this political agenda.
Despite the marketing,no studio that actually thinks it has the next 2001 would release it in the end of September.
shareGo drop some money on it and find out how stupid it is for yourself.