MovieChat Forums > 47 Meters Down (2017) Discussion > The twist ending was actually really goo...

The twist ending was actually really good and well done!


i thought the ending where it shows both sisters making it to the surface, then being attacked by a shark before being pulled out only to turn out that Mandy's character was still on the bottom of the ocean (with Claire's character actually having been killed by the shark attack)...i thought that was executed really well. when Lisa (Mandy) is on the deck of the boat and sees the blood from her hand floating i just figured she was saved but hallucinating. the fact she was still down below and that her sister Kate really had been killed/eaten was a well done twist. having it turn out that Kate really had been killed (presumably) by the earlier shark attack was a really sad/haunting ending.




Hey so kinda confused by your review.

So do neither sister survive the film then? Didn't understand if Mandy makes it out alive or not.



I think the twist ending was really good too. Btw, I believe mandy moore survived in the end.. right?


Yeah only Mandy. The other sister didn't survive as the shark ripped her open in pieces! It was terrifying to witness that scene. .It was a hallucination caused by the air gas. Sad and creepy ending. At least one of did survive.


The other sister didn't survive as the shark ripped her open in pieces! It was terrifying to witness that scene.

Did they show her being ripped to pieces? I thought it was just a quick shark bite and grab that you couldn't see much at all. Shark just snatched her and was out of there. Same for the guy who came to help. Quick shark attack in dark water that you couldn't see much of what happened. Both attacks were very hazy. The only clear attack was during the dream at the surface.


mac4lyfe, you're correct. you don't see the sister or the 1 guy actually ripped apart/eaten. you only see Lisa snatched up as the shark does a drive by (or swim by).


Reminded me of the ending to The Descent where the last survivor is singing happy birthday to her dead daughter in the depths of the cave, powerful ending




Why would you write "SPOILERS" a bunch of times.. on a message board meant for movie discussion and with a title that says it's about the ending?! 


Cause most people still need directing! But I like your enthusiasm!!!


I didn't like the endings to be honest! I was happy with one ending to begin with

but they had to mix in so many suspenseful moments for the 2 characters, my heart

had all it could take. The water was so dark even though they had lights on the cage and

energy efficient water proof torches they still couldn't spot a 20 foot "shart" in

the water!

Them girls knew from the git go them boys were low budget and had no business messing

with them when they met them at the bar.

But that saying rang true, you get what you pay for!

I would have seen that first boat and said no way!

Then really protested when I seen the 2nd so called boat and that rusty cage!

I bet it couldn't even catch any crabs... omg! *rant done 🚧
