retarded movie

1. They keep saying oxygen tanks. what oxygen? oxygen is toxic and is used as a deco gas at 6m. Those are "air" tanks.

2. They dont have earphones, should be impossible to hear without those

3. Nitrogen narcossis does not increase in time. while you are in certain depth you will be as narced as you get in less than a min.

4. While sinking they didnt equilize their ears, or even bothered by it.



you must be fun on message boards for movies



And at 47 meters, which is almost 150 feet, their air would last about five minutes. This film is obviously totally divorced from reality.



Well at 150 feet they would have need to go through decompression to get to the surface or have their spine/brain jacked up from the nitrogen that was in their blood that started building up the moment they passed 130 feet, given the time they were down there a full ascent with no decompression would have killed them or left them severely screwed up.


That too.



Even though stupid, it was educational... I started googling "Decompression Sickness vs Nitrogen Narcosis." Never knew about these things.


Education is always a good thing. I knew this because I'm a certified scuba diver.



5a. Water temp at 150 ft, even in a tropical climate, is under 60 degrees ...they would therm out fairly quickly

5b. ...especially without a diving suit

6. Without flippers, they could not swim or maintain their buoyancy in the ocean as easily as was portrayed

7. Let's be honest, NO WAY the sister who'd never been scuba diving before would get into that cage after seeing a 20 ft white cruise past the boat
