Very Good Show

I was skeptical about this show at first and initially thought it was going to be very predictable, which it was a little in the first episode. After that, however, it got really good.

We've seen the premise before but this has an excellent backstory which is interesting in itself, and pretty tragic, as it slowly but surely explains everything. I won't give anything away, but Horst, the husband, is one hell of a selfish, arrogant, and reckless human being! That's obvious from the beginning and becomes even more evident as the show goes on.

I thought the acting was excellent and it was cool to see such a retro looking house. The furniture, the phone, the kitchen, were all very retro, 1970's specifically.


IMO, David was just as bad. He dismissed his entire family's warnings regarding Cassandra. Effing moron.


***** SPOILERS *****

I agree David was very dismissive of her fears about what was happening with Cassandra, so were the kids. David treated her like a child. I think a lot of that came from the fact that her sister had mental problems and he thought it was possible that his wife was suffering from some type of mental problem too. It does run in families. However, he definitely should have tried to take her more seriously. Toward the end, when he tried to kill her to appease Cassandra, that was unforgivable. Having said that, in my opinion, that can't compare to what Horst was responsible for, i.e., absolutely horrible treatment of his son, cheating on his wife with her best friend, using radiation on his wife while pregnant which caused her cancer and the baby's severe deformities. I feel like I left something out but I can't think of it offhand. He was just so vile to me.
