Abortion as comedy?

I haven't a religious bone in my body and am pro-choice in the Bill Clinton way: ie. Safe, Legal and Rare.

But this concept is so heinous that I am about to believe that its a sign of the Apocalypse.

What the heck are they thinking?



Yeah, it started to lose me at that point too. There's nothing funny about abortion. You are ending an innocent life. That in of itself is..well not funny. Then when you look at it from the POV of the person getting the abortion, that's something they have to live with. That's not exactly funny either.

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It doesn't present abortion ITSELF as 'comedic'. It's really more of a comedy-drama, overall.


I've noticed that most of the people complaining about this movie haven't actually seen it. They just know an abortion in is it so they just go on the attack. Which is pretty stupid b/c you should have some idea why you hate something...if you are going to hate it.
