A film funded by "planned murderhood", sorry, "parenthood", with pro abortion stuff, lot's of vulgarity and faul language, , clichés and stereotypes, mediocre "actors" and glorified small time comedians... just another piece of crap from "liberal" hollywwod.
Q: What happens if you get a gigabyte? A: It Megahertz!
YAY you made the obligatory "Worst Movie Ever Made" thread on this movie! And so early too! Now its all taken care of and we never have to hear it again. Whew.
------------------------ "Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes
For once one doesn't HAVE to see the movie to draw the above conclusions … the media is making no secret that this film is "the winning abortion themed rom.com movie you've been waiting for!" That's a quote from the movie's own marketing campaign.
Are you here to tell us this movie DOESN'T support abortion with humor and "awe, wook how cute the poor victim of a woman is… how could you be mad at her for killing her baby when she's just so darn spunky!"
This movie seeks to do what the entire pro-choice movement has always done - completely ignore the fact that abortion terminates an innocent human life that gets no opportunity to speak for itself, and mask that reality with the face of a poor helpless woman who just made a bad mistake and should be allowed to murder her way out of it!
"the winning abortion themed rom.com movie you've been waiting for!"
That was sarcasm. You clearly missed it.
This movie seeks to do what the entire pro-choice movement has always done...
Nope, it tells a story of a woman who got an abortion. That's all. Stop making it into a bigger thing than it is. There's movies ALL the time where abortion is an option but they end up keeping the baby.
Here's what I've noticed about "propaganda": It's not propaganda if you agree with it.
completely ignore the fact that abortion terminates an innocent human life that gets no opportunity to speak for itself
Yep, every sperm is sacred! You are probably also pro rape in cases where women do no want to have children. After all that is preventing a potential innocent human life :P
BTW I'm pro choice but I hated the movie as well. Not because the characters did wrong, but because she and the presentation in the movie was so glib about it. I really hated seeing that.
BTW if you are pro life are also for free medical services, free child care, child support from the state, better schools and maternity leave? Because that is what is preventing babies. I wish the movie would have touched on those issues instead of being so distasteful.
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Oh, for God's sake----I knew it wouldn't take long for the anti-abortion nuts to crawl out of the woodwork. Get over yourself already. Abortion is a fact of life, deal with it. And,oh, BTW, this is a indie film, NOT a Hollywood film. No Hollywood film would even get near this subject with a ten-foot pole, let alone make a comedy concerning it.
And,BTW, there was an excellent comedy made back in 1996 called CITIZEN RUTH, which was basically a satire on the whole anti-abortion--pro-abortion debate. A good film, but the subject matter alone was probably why it didn't get much promotion at the time of its release. A futuristic look at the abortion debate called RAIN WITHOUT THUNDER is also worth seeing.
Bottom line---all you folks complaining about the treatment of the subject in the film--which nobody's seen yet, of course,as usual---and abortion itself is that women have the right to have abortions, for whatever the reason they feel they need to. Whether you think it's wrong or not, that's a fact. It would be good if no one ever messed up and needed an abortion in the first place, but people are human, we mess up and make mistakes---end of story. All the anti-abortion preaching in the world has never changed that.
But those things are facts of life as they happen on a daily basis, all over the world. We try to deal with these ugly realities of life as best we can.
Also, they all happen to be illegal. Abortion isn't (at least not in this country). So what's the point you're trying to make?
MAJOR POINT HERE: It's against the law to "not report a crime" so your whole "fact of life" premise on those illegal things VS that legal thing is a garbage comparison. That's just lazy arguing on your part.
We get it, you are anti-choice. I am fine with you using your "choice" not to get an abortion. (that's what pro-choice is, letting people choose).
Your premise of trying to compare legal things with illegal things was extremely flawed. I can't say I'm surprised as I wasn't expecting to learn anything relevant from someone that graduated from high school in 2013.
" but people are human, we mess up and make mistakes---end of story."
Always interesting how often liberals conclude their rants with a phrase like this - as if whatever they have just uttered is absolute truth and there is nothing else to say so just accept it.
Sorry, Activista, but America is (thankfully) nowhere NEAR ready to just give up on abortion … the war on the unborn will be won even if it takes 100 years. A day will come when children will read about this time in our history and wonder how in the world those people could have been so barbaric, much like we do today when we read about slavery… you know, that thing that was ALSO once legal to do ...
I wonder how black people would feel about you comparing abortion to slavery.
A day will come when children will read about this time in our history and wonder how in the world those people could have been so barbaric
That will never happen, but what will happen is that they will read about a time when people fought over gay marriage and marijuana legality and think "Wow, you guys were pretty stupid back in the day. Who cares who gets married as long as it's two consenting adults. And weed is far less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes. WTF guys?"
They'll probably be okay with abortions since we'll be running out of liveable space by that point as we continue to f*!k ourselves into the ocean. But I'm sure you conservatives have a plan for that. You guys seem to have all the answers...
(btw, I'm not a liberal...I'm just really really good at pointing out b*llsh*t).
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Your response has no bearing on my comment, which distinguished between two completely different crimes.
Clearly you didn't do as good of a job as you thought you did.
Must I really argue semantics with you?
No need to argue with me. You said something dumb. I commented. MAJOR POINT HERE: It's against the law to "not report a crime" so your whole "fact of life" premise on those illegal things VS that legal thing is a garbage comparison. That's just lazy arguing on your part.
We get it, you are anti-choice. I am fine with you using your "choice" not to get an abortion. (that's what pro-choice is, letting people choose).
The average slasher movie is far more graphic in it's depiction of actual life-taking than this movie, though. In the scene where Jenny Slate undergoes the actual abortion, she is only shown from the waist up.
I think x-check just wanted to use a few big words to hide how simple minded he/she is.
This was just one story about one woman. It's not propaganda. They weren't trying to "make abortions fun again!" or whatever other stupidity pro-lifers are trying to spin it as.