MovieChat Forums > 11.22.63 (2016) Discussion > Would you rather live in the 60s or 21st...

Would you rather live in the 60s or 21st century?

The character seems to really enjoy the 60s. For me I can't live before the age of information. Which you think is better and why? Bear in mind the 60s aren't as good as they show it in the show or movies, even 60s movies.


Well the people in 60s were all racists and drug addicts, so I'm going with the enlightened 21st century.


There are now too, they just aren't as in your face. Back then people were more honest instead of smiling in your face and calling you racist names behind your back.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"



Not everyone, but the ones who were were just more open and out there then the ones who weren't. There were many whites for the Civil Rights movement and marched with Black civil rights leaders as well.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


No, they're just saying that now because they don't wanna admit they're racist.


They aren't just saying it. But there are plenty of pics and footage of people marching with leaders and protesting as well.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


Maybe you should watch more films from back then and read more books on people from that era? But yes the democrats were the kkk.


Youre an idiot


*Jason Rebourne* you mentioned the 21st century as the age of enlightenment. I'd refer to it as entitlement.


I'd refer to it as entitlement.

No, that's also the 1960s.

I don't give a f*@K about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


At least you admit you're a troll.


The early 60's were a extentcion of the 50's
Truly a golden age.


Every single person on earth in the 60s were racists and drug addicts? Lol. As opposed to the enlightened 21st century america that teaches 5-10yr old kids in school to masturbate and give adults blow jobs? That's what you call enlightened?


The racism wouldn't be directly in front of me since I am white and would probably mostly be around other whites. But the sexism would be a day-to-day issue.


Neither. Late 90s and 2000s for me. (although I guess, the latter does count as the 21st century)

~El pueblo unido jamás será vencido~


Only straight white christian males need answer.


So bisexual white Christian females can't? A bummer hahahaha xD

~El pueblo unido jamás será vencido~


I'd love to live in the 60s, except I can't stand cigarette smoke.
People smoked everywhere back then.


I feel the same way. The smoking would be a dealbreaker.

People were more self-restrained and less selfish back then. Society was more regimented. The 60s could be terrible if you were vulnerable - gay, female, black, or a child. But after the fear of the Cold War faded, it was a safe and optimistic time.


60s but i would tell my wife to wax everything.


I lived in the 60's.

I'd take the 60's anytime.

Nothing is better today - although computers are pretty cool.




Your a racist.


Lets see..

Advances in medicine and dentistry
Inexpensive air travel
More fuel-efficient cars
Less pollution in some areas (beaches, lakes, rivers)
Prohibition of smoking in public places
Prohibition or limitation of hitting children
Gay marriage and civil rights
Anti-discrimination laws
Better treatment of animals in circuses and zoos
Greatly enlarged availability of healthy and diverse food
Exposure of crime and wrongdoing of public figures via the net
Availability of all media - newspapers, magazines, libraries, films, tv, music - via the net
Instant access to unlimited information


I'll take the 60's if I can bring a 1960-2016 sports almanac.


I don't know. Those bookies didn't seem very nice when they lost money.


They don't ever bring this up in the mini-series, but in the book, Jake quips that knowing the stock market would have been a lot more valuable and safer way to get rich. I think I'd rather go to the Wall Street Journal archives than a sports almanac.

Illusions Michael. Tricks are something a whore does for money.


I think I'd like the 60s better, I think things were simpler back then.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"




You wouldn't be allowed to have your own credit card. Unless your husband OKed it.


I don't think so. Plenty of women without a husband owned their own.
