MovieChat Forums > 11.22.63 (2016) Discussion > Qustion about tape recorder in Sadis bas...

Qustion about tape recorder in Sadis basement?

When Sadie went home there was a shadowy figure in the house. I asume it was her husband.
Then she went into the basement and found the tape recorder.
Question: Who was the shadowy figure and how did the know about Jakes tape recordings??




It was the yellow card man that goes into the basement.


First of all, it was Jake's house, not Sadie's.

I had assumed it was Sadie's husband as well. After all, he was already sneaking around spying on them, i.e. taking pictures of them at the bungalow getaway. He was doing his homework on Jake and must have somehow found the tapes. Maybe Jake had them there in Jodie to go over and husband found them while snooping on Jake.

But the poster above makes an intersting point about it being the yellow card man. I hadn't thought of that. I still lean toward it being the husband, but the YCM is an intersting theory.


Just catching up on the show now, but I was curious about the shadowy figure as well. My bigger issue was Sadie's reaction to the recording. Seemed contrived and extreme. Wouldn't she have asked Jake about it rather than freaking out and running away?


It was definitely the yellow card man.

I too thought that her reaction was a bit extreme (especially reporting him to the principal), but I tried to justify it with the 60s being a different time and that this would be more appalling and shocking than now.


It was definitely the yellow card man.

And you know this how? Is that in the book? Doesn't really make sense for it to be the YCM. He only seems to return to the past to try and save his daughter from drowning.

And all the pieces matter (The Wire)


Apparently, he doesn't just return to try and save his daughter. Throughout the series we see that he is trying to prevent Jake from proceeding. For example:
- He tried to kill Sadie in the hospital by turning off the oxygen supply.
- In the car scene, near the end of the series, where Sadie fell asleep, he created some kind of illusion for Jake, where they talked and warned him not to continue.
I don't think he is just a man trapped in a loop, but some kind of "messenger" of "the past" that tries to block Jake.


I would agree that there is some sort of messenger magic around him, but on each occasion, he interfered, he materialized himself to Jake to communicate something. Because his interfering’s was as a warning to go home and stay out of the time business… Except for the tape situation and so I am not that convinced YCM did it here. This interference was different from all the others. Also, how would the tape situation help his cause or would it really mean anything in the end (we later learn it did not)?
IMO It seems more in kin with her husband as we know he was planning to split them up and get his revenge somehow.

Though the shadow did seem to be of a large man, and Sadie’s husband was a shorter fellow. But then again Sadie herself is short and perhaps her husband’s shadow would appear larger because of this…

I think her husband is more in kin to be the instigator of the tape setup…


The husband sounds more logical to me as well. That's who I thought it was, in fact.
