this looks bad
from the trailer
shareThe pink ranger with her kick ass dreaded Dino Arrow attack was better
shareIt does look bad. The first teaser looked brilliant. But then once we got a look at the movie, eh... this isn't gonna be the Lady Bourne asskicking hour.
shareWe know it will be bad because it fits into the anti-Russia narrative that has become the obsession of the Democratic Party at the behest of the military-intelligence apparatus.
American tv/film has always been incredibly ethnocentric towards Russians. It didn’t begin with the Dem’s after Trump got into office. How many stories have you seen where the Russian gangster backstabs the protagonist. It’s an expected trope and it began long before the USA shamefully voted DT into office.
Agreed. Wouldn’t it be nice if the major world powers no longer felt the need to compete militarily. All the things those resources could go towards.
shareI personally am disturbed about thw rise in films that have the hands of the Pentagon or the CIA written all over them. This has been a steadily rising trend over the past decade or so. ARGO, with a CIA agent as the lead in a complete falsification of the actual events, suddenly gets showered with undeserved OScars. ZERO DARK THIRTY gets released, another propaganda film with a CIA hero that appeals to the basest instincts of its audience by suggesting the barbarous torture in Guantanamo was all worth it in the end. Other instance: Seth Rogen admitted THE INTERVIEW had CIA consultants working on it. Ever wondered why that film was allowed to trigger an international confrontation between the US and North Korea? Even a comedy like Melissa Mccarthy in SPY presents CIA personnel as lovable and goofy. The hero of AMERICAN ULTRA is a mind controlled super assasin under orders by the CIA. The all-American jingoism of many of these or similar films has become nauseating. The propaganda is completely exposed for all the world to see.
" I'm an ultra-leftist "..... you must love the late night shows these days
shareNot exactly sure if you know what you're talking about. This is not a "partisan" issue nor did I present it that way. I assume you are an American being fed a steady stream of anti-Russian gibberish that became a regular fixture of the Obama Administration's foreign policy. This was intensified around 2012 when it became apparent Russia stood in the way of Washington achieving its objectives in Syria--namely regime change so a puppet government could be installed as occurred in Iraq and Libya. The Trump Administration is engaged in a furious battle with other sections of the military-intelligence community that do not want to see a retreat from the anti-Russia stance taken by his predecessor. I know the US corporate media speaks constantly of some supposed "collusion" between Trump and Putin, and yet there are no smoking guns nor any damning proof because none can be furnished. Make no bones about it however: THE GREATEST THREAT TO WORLD PEACE IS THE UNITED STATES.
shareI agree.
shareThe greatest threat to world peace is the USA? I don’t know if that’s entirely fair. We certainly don’t help things. When you mix capitalism and war you get a handful of war profiteers who would love nothing more than to see WW3 happen. But the majority of the American people do not want continuous endless war. I’d say where in the top 10 greatest threats to peace.
shareI thought it looked better than most things nowadays.