Walter White? Dexter Morgan? Hannibal Lecter? Tony Soprano? That's up to you, they're bad people but good 'characters', as is Bloom.
Every single one of those characters has an arc. They all suffer in some way, with the arguable exception of Lecter who isn't a main character (but even he expresses love and misses the beauty of the world). They all face setbacks. They all have people whom they love and who love them.
Lou Bloom is a one-dimensional jerk at the beginning, he's a jerk in the middle, and by the end... still a jerk.
The character is as flat as a pancake.
Even "edgy" characters like Heath Ledger's Joker or Robert DeNiro's Travis Bickle or Alan Rickman's Hans Gruber or Michael Rooker's Henry or Christian Bale's Patrick Bateman or Malcolm McDowell's Alex DeLarge or, the guy in your avatar, Jack Nicholson's Jack Torrance, struggle in some way. They face obstacles and are challenged. They are all multi-layered and rich characters.
Nothing happens in Nightcrawler. There's no growth. There's no evolution. And I believe that the public's inability to see how uninspired/unimaginative Lou is as a character truly signifies the dying of story in modern film. It's a real shame.
Of course, none of this takes away from Jake Gyllenhaal's performance, which I believe to be exceptional. He truly gave it his all and did the best he could with what he had.