Season 8 finale

Is Hank supposed to be the Devil now? I say that because the last shot of him is in a dark uniform standing over a dead body lit by a fire. Don’t get me wrong, the dead body in question deserved it.

It wasn’t quite where I thought they were gonna go. I was thinking Deputy Superintendent Miller was going to kill him and/or beat the information out of him (in a way that would make even Hank go WTF) and then she would resign.

I got the idea that maybe Hank has a loose stash of bullets somewhere at the station for situations like this- where he or his officers fire shots that they don’t report.

When Atwater slammed Ruzek I thought wow that normally only happens in WWE. I can see those two continuing to have friction into next season.

When Hailey said “You’re so decent” I realized most of the men she’s ever known were so shitty that that might be her highest compliment. I did not expect that she’d use the M word. Her whole demeanor and speech pattern (to me anyway) seemed to scream “I don’t want to break up with you but I have to”


I think they went too far. I'm watching reruns right now and knowing this guy goes this nuts changes my perception of the whole show. Not in a bad way. But I see it completely different now.


Burgess makes a great punching bag this season, thinking she's supergirl.


It was the special agent comptroller to blame


I enjoyed the first few seasons and was oddly looking forward to the post-Olinsky era, but these past couple or so years, this show seems unremittingly grim. All the characters seem miserable, the crimes are lethal, even the weather always seems cold and dark. Normally I might like a bit of reality when it comes to weather, but when everything is grim and the setting is depressing as well, I just can't look forward to watching this much anymore, although I'm always a little curious.
