Season 8 finale
Is Hank supposed to be the Devil now? I say that because the last shot of him is in a dark uniform standing over a dead body lit by a fire. Don’t get me wrong, the dead body in question deserved it.
It wasn’t quite where I thought they were gonna go. I was thinking Deputy Superintendent Miller was going to kill him and/or beat the information out of him (in a way that would make even Hank go WTF) and then she would resign.
I got the idea that maybe Hank has a loose stash of bullets somewhere at the station for situations like this- where he or his officers fire shots that they don’t report.
When Atwater slammed Ruzek I thought wow that normally only happens in WWE. I can see those two continuing to have friction into next season.
When Hailey said “You’re so decent” I realized most of the men she’s ever known were so shitty that that might be her highest compliment. I did not expect that she’d use the M word. Her whole demeanor and speech pattern (to me anyway) seemed to scream “I don’t want to break up with you but I have to”