MovieChat Forums > Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015) Discussion > Margaret Thatcher Attempted Assassinatio...

Margaret Thatcher Attempted Assassination?

When Galahad tells Eggsy that one of headline refers to when he prevented the assassination of PM Thatcher. Eggsy responds something to the effect that some people would not thank him for his efforts. Did I hear right? A bit harsh in my opinion and really in poor taste whether you agreed with her policies or not .


You realize that when she died, many openly refused to mourn her (most football matches refused to honor her passing with a moment of silence).

You may think it's callous, but she was very callous and divisive. You are treated and regarded in history by your actions. And the only thing Thatcher proved was that a woman could rule with an iron fist.


"And the only thing Thatcher proved was that a woman could rule with an iron fist."

Except that was known long before she got anywhere near power. Especially, if one looks beyond European history.


He was meaning that few people knew about it, not about the limp-wristed left-wingers who couldn't handle what she did.


The problem with socialism is sooner or later you run out other people's money.

Why don't people ever learn something so obvious?

I was born in the house my father built


Because people are lazy and would rather live off of the scraps they are given by the government, especially if they think the supposed wealthy have been forced to give up the scraps.


Nope. That has nothing to do with socialism. Most people don't even know what it means.


And yet right wing Tory boy Osborne has doubled the national debt in 5 years - now who's money do you reckon he's playing around with? I know it's tricky and you're a little hard of thunking but go on you can do it - I've got faith in you!

'Well I've got two words for you - STFU'


running out of money seems to be a problem with capitalism as well. or communism. or any country led by a greedy, corporate owned government.


People who keep using that quote to shove it down other peoples' throats, are full of ****.

Running out of money seems to be a problem with capitalism as well. or communism. or any country led by a greedy, corporate owned government.


Whereas in capitalism, the banks run out of your money instead.


"limp-wristed left-wingers"? Vs. braindead right-wingers no doubt. Written by an idiot.


Yes, I agree that you wrote that last sentence and are an idiot.

Don't bother responding, I put scumbag libtards like you on ignore.


You put ME on ignore? You aren't fit to even be in the same room as me, you moron.


I'm with you, nyrunner. I wouldn't piddle on that Rightard if it were burning from its own stupidity.


Eh, he did you a favor.


When Galahad tells Eggsy that one of headline refers to when he prevented the assassination of PM Thatcher. Eggsy responds something to the effect that some people would not thank him for his efforts. Did I hear right? A bit harsh in my opinion and really in poor taste whether you agreed with her policies or not .

My British colleague (originally from northern England) was practically dancing a jig when she died. A very divisive figure that was loathed by many in the UK. Eggsy's background suggest his comment is on point.


As my favorite commentators would say after a seeing the occasional red card being flashed for a debatable foul, ' I find it a bit harsh'.


Oh, it's very harsh. But, as this thread demonstrates, it's also accurate.


Not harsh enough, she wrecked our country and turned us all on each other.

'Well I've got two words for you - STFU'




Oh lord. Another one. I believe all he was trying to imply is that Thatcher was the subject of strong feelings one way or the other. Again, after seeing the entire movie, this is what you come away with? (LOL -- apologies for mixing up the present and past tenses).


I believe all he was trying to imply is that Thatcher was the subject of strong feelings one way or the other.

I agree. I don't love political agendas slipping into fictional entertainment...

...but thought that line was tastefully subversive .... more a cheeky, sly wink rather than the overtly snide cheap shot that some find it to be.


Interesting, assassination as "cheeky" ?


Interesting, assassination as "cheeky" ?

Interesting, you thought this piece of fluff was an historically accurate documentary regarding an actual assignation attempt? 


Obviously not, I'm just a bit confused however a joke about assassinating somewhat could be "cheeky", or for that matter, how an failed assassination would garner such dismay. Maybe I'm old-fashioned but I don't see the humor, especially in this day and age. Granted it was a throw-away line in the film, but it grabbed my attention because it implied that Thachter's death would somehow be celebrated. Frankly, politics aside, I find that to be pretty coarse and worrisome. Sorry but glorifying someone's death simply is not part of my vocabulary.


I'm just a bit confused however a joke about assassinating somewhat could be "cheeky",

Take the stick out of your bum and you'll be less confused. 

It was clearly an unnecessary political commentary by the movie, as I already acknowledged. But you are wound too tight about it to see the humor content was in the slyness of the potshot, so you keep acting like some people are cheering an actual assassination attempt.


Wait are you saying that Thatcher was not an actual person ? If that were case I might begrudgingly see your point. But in a world where words matter, idiots flourish and guns are as accessible as nickel candy, I prefer to keep " that stick up my ass ". Despite having few allusions about mankind and its fault, I rarely celebrate someone's demise, unless they reach the stature of say, "Jihadi John". But for the PM of the UK to merely have opposing political views well that doesn't meet my criteria for assassination. She was afterall duly elected official and not a dictator.


Wait are you saying that Thatcher was not an actual person ?

Wait, that paraphrase shows poor reading comprehension on your part.

If that were case I might begrudgingly see your point.

Strawman about what my point is... since you can't understand it you seem destined to misrepresent it, I guess.

But in a world where words matter, idiots flourish and guns are as accessible as nickel candy, I prefer to keep " that stick up my ass ".

Your hyper-vigilance over snarky jokes in fanciful movies will have no effect on the world's violence problems.

Despite having few allusions about mankind and its fault, I rarely celebrate someone's demise,

Illusions. And wtf celebration are you referring to -- a fictional one?? Where one character speculates to another about what might have been the reaction to the attempt. That's now a celebration of someone's demise? You do realize that dialogue in fiction could be considered jocularity amongst spies, and not an iron-clad prediction of a real life scenario. We'll never know, fortunately, if some fools would have "celebrated" such an event, but a joke in a movie about the possibility of it is not the same as celebrating it actually happening.

But for the PM of the UK to merely have opposing political views well that doesn't meet my criteria for assassination. She was afterall duly elected official and not a dictator.

Not only wasn't she assassinated, there wasn't even an actual attempt. It's now officially tedious trying to get that obvious fact through to you. That joke in the movie is so far removed from your self-serving proclamations, it's impossible to tell if you are able to separate fiction from reality in your bombast.


If it necessitates all this gibberish to support your argument, it's evident I'm dealing with a unstructured mind. It appears while I might have a stick up my ass, it is evident that you have your brain up yours.


You're funny, dude. When I write pithy, it opens the door for you to ask questions with your disingenuous paraphrasing. When I write lengthy so even an idiot can understand every syllable, it overwhelms you into thinking it's unstructured.

Classic. 

Anyway, good luck censoring every utterance of movie dialogue which scares you into believing the worst case scenario will happen in real life. 



You are right, most people's deaths shouldn't be celebrated.

One interesting thing about this is when you look at who is celebrating the person's death. Thatcher was a Conservative. Liberals - you know, the ones who are open, accepting, progressive, etc - are the ones who celebrate.

The celebrated when Reagan was shot and the celebrated when he died.

Conservatives didn't celebrate when Ted Kennedy died. And liberals didn't celebrate when a racist and a member of the KKK died - Sen. Byrd. Of course, Byrd was a fellow liberal....


Lots of conservatives celebrated when Ted Kennedy died. Go to youtube and look up videos of his funeral and you'll see many hateful and vile comments by conservatives.


Lots of conservatives celebrated when Ted Kennedy

He murdered two people. Not even close to the same thing.


And Nancy Reagan mourned his passing. As did Mitt Romney. Wonder what you think of that?


That they have more class that the scumbag lefties.


Did I hear right? A bit harsh in my opinion and really in poor taste whether you agreed with her policies or not .

Have you ever heard of the idea of movies putting jokes into the script?
