MovieChat Forums > Annihilation (2018) Discussion > Just watched it... Some spoilers...

Just watched it... Some spoilers...

Yeah. I just watched it and it was an annoying movie (my friend - female - agreed).
First off: What military would allow to have just scientists - with hardly any military and especially no survival skills - go into such a dangerous area? And it seems like they didn't even try to send in tanks or other military vehicles. I understand it's supposed to be an empowering movie but this is totally unrealistic. They should have JJL get them in illegally. At least there would have been an excuse for the missing backup.
Then: Music/Sound. Way too loud and often out of place or just annoying.
The story itself: Sorry but is basically nothing else than many other Sci-Fi movies. A group of people go into unknown territory. Star Trek anyone? Alien? Maybe Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Not really new here.
The twist: What twist? It was obvious after 10 minutes what the "twist" would be. Come on.
And that "copy scene" was also just annoying.
The movie overall: I had the feeling it didn't know what it wanted to be and seemed pretentious to me. Was it supposed to be art (2001) or Sci-Fi? It mixed so many concepts in one.
The design was ok I guess (although the copy scene was very bad CGI).
I give it 4 out of 10.
Watch "Sunshine" instead. Not pretentious. Knows what it is. And amazing Soundtrack!

PS: I would have loved to see the last transformation stage of the "plant woman". Not have her just disappear.


It felt to me like Alex Garland had watched a lot of Tarkovsky movies and wanted to make his own one.

Annihilation is a whole lot of Stalker with a bit of Solaris thrown in for good measure. The similarities are uncanny.

Ultimately it ends up being a lesser version of both and I'm not even a big Tarkovsky fan. Soderbergh's version of Solaris on the other hand is brilliant.
