Brilliant film.

I don't understand the hate the movie is getting, what was wrong with? It's an absolutely hilarious movie and Randall Park does a fantastic job as Kim Jong Un. When I say fantastic, I really mean it. He made me sympathise with such an evil person and delivered all of his lines perfectly.

The jokes were hilarious, the action was good and I've already watched it twice. What's not to love?

This isn't just a low-brow comedy like people think, it's actually a quality movie, so don't listen to people and give it a watch!


Well there's plenty not to love, but I do agree with you that Randall Park was fantastic. I don't think I've ever seen him in anything else. Lizzy Caplan was arguably the second best thing in the movie. After that? Hmmm, the puppy was cute and delivered a better performance than Franco.


It was funny. People seem to just be chronically uptight and unable to enjoy a good laugh. Maybe Hollywood should just stop making comedies, because I can't think of any recent comedy that people on this board find funny or entertaining. People are taking things way too seriously these days. Everyone's too intellectual to laugh.


Actually the idiots are too uptight to laugh. I have friends that are doctors and bankers and they love mindless comedies to escape from their serious reality as do I.


Comedy is hard. Not everyone laughs at the same. So, you're right, it was funny... for you. Not for many others, though.


The movie was surprisingly funny, despite the crude humor, for the first half. The second half of the movie turned into the B movie I was expecting.


I thought it was hilarious. But I don't think you were supposed to sympathize for Kim Jong Un at all. That totally was not the point. Whatsoever....... not sure why on earth you were feeling that way. He did a great job playing the part because he was hilarious. But you weren't supposed to get the warm fuzzies for Kim Jong Un. Maybe sympathy for the people the innocent people he terrorizes...but not him.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


OK, Kids...Convince me why I should pony up, for the Movies that are today's answer to "Bela Lugosi Meets A Brooklyn Gorilla ".


Well either you laugh or you dont.

The entire tiger scene cracked me up.
The movie has its downs but overall it entertained me well.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!


Agreed.amazing movie.i love that.very funny.



The only people that actually enjoyed this movie were immature, simple minded people that think every thing is funny.

After 40 years of watching movies, I can honestly say that Hollywood has reach a new low when producing horrible, low quality comedies.
