MovieChat Forums > Big Brother Canada (2013) Discussion > Who do you want to come back tonight? *V...

Who do you want to come back tonight? *VOTE*


I simply can't stand Loveita and I think her game sucks.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Because kelsey's is so much better, look this is rigged so it doesn't even matter remember they were going to do a vote but they did a poll on twitter and loveita had 85 percent of the people saying they'd vote her back in then they deleted the poll, and haven't said anything about it since.


Loveita. After eviction night she seems a lot nicer than Kelsey. Of course I don't watch the feeds and don't know the whole story. Also I think Kelsey being back would do more to mess up the games of my favs, like Mitch.

I don't want either to win or anything.


Whi cares who's nicer to who. This is big brother I want to see a war.


Loveita for sure. I cannot stand Kelsey.


Kelsey, I love listening to her dialogue with other houseguests, she speaks her mind and it's awesome.


Soooo rigged as soon as they saw who was leading on the twitter poll they changed it too the houseguest get too vote because they know thats the only way kelsey will actually be able too get back in, they know if they do a comp loveita will win, they know if they did the voting they were originally going too do loveita would win, this is the only way kelsey can win between loveita so they rigged it lmfao they are that desperate for a showmance and ratings yet they don't realize no one even cares about kelsey and jareds relationship.


Yeah that's so messed up. Mitch is the only reason I'm watching this stupid show and I'm done with BB again after this. The production interference is disgusting.



I'm not here to watch Jared skate to the end.


It's blatantly obvious production wants Kelsey. Loveita would be my choice to go back in but we all know it's going to take a miracle. I'm sure if the house starts to favor Loveita you'll start seeing people being called to the diary room for their brainwashing sessions.


Very obvious. They could've done a Canadian vote or a comp and Love would be more likely to win both. I knew the minute they went into sequester it would be a house vote.


I want Loveita to come back because she's the one who was blindsided by the house AND she's not predictable which could make for an interesting game. She's willing to work with anyone whereas Kelsey will go back to her typical ways flirting up a storm with Jarred and discussing hair tips with Raul.

This whole thing is annoying because we all know that BBCan will find a way to bring Kelsey back instead. I've already mentally prepared myself for this.
