This one crept up on me!

I loved B5 back in the day and just discovered this exists and is days away from release.

It's animated, not a live-action production.



I saw it, and it's a pretty good movie. It's sad that the only way possible to do a B5 movie anymore is with animation like this, not just because the amount of time that has passed since the series was on, and how much the actors have aged, but at how shockingly many of the cast are longer with us. Look at B5's contemporary show, Star Trek: Deep Space 9, and all the cast are still alive, except for René Auberjonois (who had been well into middle age when DS9 started, and aged 79 when he died, so not young). But with B5, half of the main cast have died, and almost all of them before they even reached age 60 -- and Mira Furlan and Steven Furst only made it to 63, so they didn't get far past that age either.

You can tell the actors providing the voices for their characters are different, and it's a sad thing, but at least the new voice actors do a good job with the characters.

Interestingly, the film, without retconning anything out of established canon, also leaves the way open for a soft reboot to take things in a new direction, if J. Michael Staczynski ever gets the new series he's planning off the ground.


Thanks for responding! Sounds like it will be interesting to see.

Sad about the late cast members. I remember hearing about Jerry Doyle (Garibaldi). He worked as a stockbroker and business jet pilot before changing to acting.


I have finally seen it and quite enjoyed it. It was quite quick in pace and lighthearted, and the end didn't really feel like much of a big end (I assume there won't be another one). Otherwise, good to see all the characters again (some more than one in the same frame!).

The dedication at the end was touching.
