A few questions...
So, having seen the movie twice now, I have a few questions:
During the final ballroom scene, Mrs. Potts and Maurice look at each other; Maurice bows to her a little, and she nods her head.
What's THAT about? Are they supposed to know each other or something? That gesture made no sense to me. It's like there was a subplot about them being former lovers that got cut out, even though I know that's not the case. It's weird.
If we're supposed to accept that some of the villagers end up being the enchanted object's SOs (Monsieur Jean is actually Mr. Potts, and another villager is Mrs. Cogsworth), don't you think the writers should have made them NOT be jerks for the rest of the movie? Same goes for Stanley, who we assume ends up being LeFou's SO.
Are we supposed to be happy about this? For 99.9% of the movie Stanley, and Mrs. Cogsworth, are horrible human beings - they treat Belle like crap, have no problem harrassing Maurice, and heck, they were all for killing Beast! But what, now that the curse is broken that makes their previous behavior OK? Apparently it doesn't bother the prince to have all these horrid people in his castle - which they were very eager to destroy, and kill him too! - but it would bother me. If I was writing the movie I would have at least given them the kind of character arc that Pere Robert got.
Speaking of which - what the heck happened to Pere Robert? The last time you see him is when he's protesting Maurice being sent to an asylum. He doesn't join the villagers in storming the castle, obviously, but he's not in the last scene either. What happened to him?
Why did they water Gaston's character down so much? In the 1991 movie he was arrogant and disdainful of learning right from the get-go, brushing aside Belle's love of reading with a couple of snide remarks.
But here he seems, while not really understanding of Belle's interest in reading, at least OK with it. He comes across as romantically clumsy but not really offensive, which makes Belle seem like a real beyotch for rejecting him offhand. I mean, yeah, we all know he ends up being a creep, but at least in the beginning he seems earnest, and he's got a good point - without a husband Belle's going to be in trouble when her father dies. So why NOT marry a military guy who's going to be gone most of the time anyway? The 1991 movie gave a good answer, this one didn't.
Whose decision was it to NOT have the title song sung by Audra MacDonald? Because that was a bad decision. She's a trained singer who's won a lot of awards for her voice. Emma Thompson...isn't. And don't say "Hey, it's tradition, Mrs. Potts sings that song." They changed LeFou's orientation and a lot of other things. They could have changed that too.