So the comic book adaptations from the US or pseudo intellectual shi* from Europe have more sensible ratings????
Fast n furious, avengers, batman, guardians .. are these 8+ films? They're surely entertaining but anyone who has seen a few good films wouldn't rate them over 6. But that's that. And this film is good enough and the rating is not too far or skewed compared to the above.
While I hail from Asia, I love both Hollywood and European cinema but I can only tell one thing about ratings on IMDB ---
Shi**y movies from all over the world get good ratings and vice versa. It has nothing to do with the place.
If you're keen on actually placing the rating of a film, here's what i do --
-- good to know the over all rating
-- read a few reviews. You'll know from the description whether you can trust that person's review
-- may be see other movies he / she has reviewed to get know where they come from when they say this film is good / bad
-- ebert's site used to be a good pointer. Still is a good choice.