MovieChat Forums > Sinister 2 (2015) Discussion > Sinister 2 is the reason I have trust is...

Sinister 2 is the reason I have trust issues with critics

First of all, here is my full review of the film:

I wrote this as part of a series, wherein I review my 31 favorite horror movie sequels. And this was high on the list. I will never understand how this movie got all the hate. Definitely not as scary as the original, but thrice as original.


Are you high?
The dialogue and performances were atrocious.
And the Xanax sidekick of Sinister 1 doesn't make sense as the lead character in Sinister 2.

In fact no Xanax sidekick makes sense as any lead character.

I'd assume that the actors are all talented and the casting agency top notch. So neither of those are to blame. Yet the performances sucked. So either the editor did a rush-job or the director, aside from the f* up production permise to begin with.

Sinister 2 is passable, but barely!!


No wonder you liked it since you also rated Paranormal Activity 2 and Insidious 2 nine out of ten, rofl.


Insidious 2 ain't bad. 6/10
Anyways this movie is a wakeup call that metacritics rating is the only rating that counts. Problem is that the ratings cannot take into account personal affection for particular movie elements or style.


I predicted 40/100 for Insidious 2. It is exactly 40!


metacritic rating is one that never counts. its easily manipulated in both the critic and the audience system.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Yep, says it all..
I have never rated a movie 9/10. Even the best movie is not perfect. It's either fanboys or haters on this site..rofl!


(Post with spoilers)

I don't care about critics except for my own opinion and in my opinion, this movie started very good, but it demolished itself along the way especially during the ending chapter. It relied way too much on the jump scare (then again, most horror movies that I've seen does), the deputy character is not interesting except for that minor part where he managed to sweep away the policemen during the first encounter with the husband (why is his name is called So & So any way?), and disregarding some other factor or faults that I barely remembered, some of those feats that were done by the children against their parent/brothers/sisters is very impossible to be performed, given to their length and small stature (especially the crocodile part).

The Bughul and the other children might've helped them though, who knew but the part that tick me off when the deputy just rammed the kid in the end and yet, wow, he's still alive without bruises. Instead of running away in the car, they decided to go through the cornfield and didn't even bothered looking for any weapon of self defense in the kitchen they went through, not to mentioned that the deputy barely defended himself despite he is much larger than the kid and supposed to be a former policemen, which is entirely and surely should had learnt some combat technique during the training period before he get the badge. The flaws were high and the deputy, being the driving character that we were supposed to follow is not really interesting, which spelled doom for such a person like me whom like to follow the main from the start and attempting to be attached with them but I grow to dislike him even further instead. Of course, my opinion, fellas. Shoot away the next message.


but thrice as original.

Yeah, no, you obviously need to watch more movies.
It's essentially a Children of the Corn film, not exactly original considering there are 9 of those.

"I said forget about it cuh"


I gave the first movie a 6/10

Sinister 2 got 7.5 from me


A shyt comparison considering Sinister 2 is better than all 9 of the Children of the Corn films.


Sinister 2 is definitely better than all 9 Children of the Corn films... I recently watched all 9, they're pretty ridiculous... part 7 did have the cutest girls and the only nudity though, which is a bad thing if that's all a franchise has going for it.

But the Corn films all have a rating of 4, and I gave Sinister 2 a rating of 7.

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You know what, I don't have any faith left in the damn movie critics. They're all so snobbish these days, that it seems they're more interested in finding clever ways to trash films than they are in providing honest, usable feedback...

Anyway, I find that the IMDB rating system is much more reliable in determining the "watchability" of a movie. If the film rates higher than a 5, it'll be watchable. If it rates less, it'll be laughable...

I find the whole notion of ratings to be a better guide as to whether a movie should prove to be entertaining or excruciating. I mean, a critic writing a report about a movie just represents that one persons view of the movie. That's far too subjective an experience. One mans trash is another mans treasure. Whereas a rating is an aggregate score based on the (subjective again) opinions of many people.

Sure, sure... We're all unique snowflakes and other such nonsense... But in reality, if most people out there like a particular movie, the chances are pretty good that I'll like it too (with the notable exception of Avatar, which I thought was utter trash, but somehow has managed a 7.9 rating).




I personally couldn't stand it. Seems like only 32% of the general audience liked it according to general audience ratings


So far...I haven't seen any show or film that you do like. Perhaps you should read a book or take some night classes, since you have a fondness for lecturing others on logic.

Logically speaking...most people don't keep watching films and shows about subjects they have no respect for. That we be a....troll trait perhaps?


For one thing, the lead actor gave a cringeworthy performance. Looked like a poor man's version of Christian Bale on coke doing a clumsy impersonation of Bruce Campbell... lol


I found this one scarier then the first. I think it maybe for a more personal reason as the first revolves around a father losing his hold on the family. I am not married and don't have kids so while it is creepy, I was able to separate myself from it. The conflict between brothers on the other hand is something I'm better able to relate to and I found myself relating to both children quite a bit more then I wanted to. And while my bother probably won't see it (he lost interest in horror movies), he'd probably feel the same way.


I think it maybe for a more personal reason as the first revolves around a father losing his hold on the family.

I would find that more touching if the father wasn't some *beep* wife beater.
This father had absolutely no redeeming feature about himself. He slapped around his wife and kids like it was his job.


That's the second movie; the quote above refers to the first one.


Ah, ok :)
