I wrote this as part of a series, wherein I review my 31 favorite horror movie sequels. And this was high on the list. I will never understand how this movie got all the hate. Definitely not as scary as the original, but thrice as original.
I think it was better than the first one too. I tend not to pay attention whatsoever to critics and just see it anyway, and I've found I've liked things they didn't. No such thing as bad or good, just different perceptions.
'I like the way you made the movies longer. They're better that way.' Sinister
No such thing as bad or good, just different perceptions.
That is not exactly correct. That is what people claim when they enjoy something that it generally reviewed and received as poor.
Would you apply the same phrase when comparing the difference between Pink Floyd and the 4 non blondes? Or Dostoevsky and the twilight saga?
There are many important qualities that go into any great work of art: passion, imagination, intelligence, excellent balance of pathos and logos, The genius of the creator, and especially the desire to create something meaningful,thought provoking and emotionally engaging, not to mention more abstract notions that reflect human existence, and narrative.
On the other hand it's much easier to manufacture a piece of work that has all the preconceived levers to push all the right buttons at all the right moments, and cynically elicit the desired responses solely for the purposes of profit.
There are of course shades of inbetween.
Surely you can tell between something of high quality and poor quality? That doesn't mean that it's good or bad, if you enjoy something, great. this half truth and pop phrase about everything is about perception is an over-extension.
Advertising and marketing are apt examples of how human nature can be catalogued, labelled, predicted and manipulated.
'You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star' - Nietzsche
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Not being funny but couldnt be arsed to read all that. I would yes, apply that same phrase because no one dictates to me what I should like and not like, and I dont care how unpopular it is. If I like it, thats it. Your post seems to be a way of saying that you can't handle people who dont march to the same tune. It doesnt have to be good quality or poor quality for you to like it, it just has to be your thing. Simple.
I stopped listening to critics after "the village" after gaining slight trust, they lost me on "the black swan" both of those movies were praised and both of those movies were terrible!
The first one was genuinely creepy for the most part. The sequel has 0% of the creepiness of the first one, and about 100% more melodrama. It also has about 90% more corny ghost children. I think the critics were generous, actually.
The first Sinister was amazing. Very suspenseful and extremely creepy. I've watched it more than once. Sinister 2 had lots of jump scares. I personally can't stand jump scares, they irritate me more than hell. That and the bad acting with the ghost children. I think once we learned in the first Sinister how the films were made, seeing them being made in the 2nd one just turned into a gore fest instead of a murder mystery. Again, I would have liked it more if they made the film making more creepy instead of having a jump scare every 10 minutes.