This isn't a bad film, it's just a "cliched" one. I thought the acting was pretty decent and it moved right along. If it was filmed before the paranormal activity movies, I doubt it would have had all these negative comments. I had not seen any of the previews for it, so maybe that's why I'm not disappointed.
I honestly don't get all the negative reviews. I thought it was fun and creepy. Cults freak me out a bit though.
It's not an Oscar worthy movie or anything, it's just a good popcorn flick. And yeah, the story has been told before (pretty much every movie now has a story that's been told before). And if people are tired of hand held movies, I guess they should just stop watching them altogether instead of hoping for something different lol. I still enjoy them.
I didn't see the previews for it either, just read a description online and checked it out. Previews do tend to be really hyped up and heighten your expectations, so maybe that helped me as well. I went into it just hoping to be entertained for an hour and a half, and I was.
Agree! I Loved this film! There were enough "Feel the hairs on the back of my neck" moments. The grocery meat isle seen creeped me out. I would definitly watch this again sometime soon. (Around Halloween)
It wasn't really as bad, and it had the clever idea of mounting the cam on the suit, which we never seen in any "found footage" film that I'm aware of. So the excuse of always filming is almost completely justified from that point on. Also some the effects were really great like her telekinetic power scene in the woods or other supernatural power scenes. I think this movie deserves a higher rating, even if I must admit I fell asleep four times for some reason while watching that part where she was eating raw meat at the market and the doctor visit and the party at the house,... for some reason those scenes were so incredibly sleep-inducing in the late night hours, that I just couldn't fight the urge to fall sleep, but also I was laying on my bed while watching it :)
so in the middle of a ten second scene you just fell asleep? shes standing in the supermarket and youre like "im asleep now" then you woke up and then again just fell back asleep?
Actually, this movie was horrible. If you enjoyed it, great. But the movie was horrible. I actually came out of it angry. It makes no sense. The acting was great IN THE BEGINNING. I even remember thinking how likable the couple was. Then it quickly downfalls. Maybe you are a single teen somewhere, who knows. But if you are a part of a couple, let's just pretend you are on your honeymoon. You have seen movies like Hostel and *beep* You tell the cab driver (hell, let's start at the beginning, shall we?) that you both want to go to the hotel. He tells you NO? That he is taking you somewhere else?! Hell, he will even PAY for it?
Dude, have you ever taken a cab? Serious question. Take a cab in a "wealthy" country like the US, and try to strike a deal off the meter. Now, let's pretend you are in a POORER country. Sure, dude, he'll pay to take you somewhere else. Not suspicious at all.
So many *beep* things wrong with this movie. The priest that wanted to DELIVER the antichrist suddenly gets nosebleeds like the antichrist is AFFECTING him in a negative way? Watch the scene again, that is EXACTLY what they were implying. The fact he was there at the end was supposed to be an "OH *beep* HE WAS REALLY A FOLLOWER" type of moment, And the stationary cams in the house? Oh, right, the satanists.
Let's get down to the logical facts. Let's say she was giving birth to THE antichrist. Well, then you are religious. And you know that evil is sneaky. Know what the smart thing to do is? ACT *beep* NORMAL, BE BORN AND PROTECTED BY BOTH YOUR PARENTS (since the dad is a *beep* dillhole and would defend the baby to the death, even if wrong), AND THEN ACT LIKE *beep* LUICIOUS (or whatever the *beep* the kid in the omen's name is). Yep, making the mom publicly eat stolen (she hadn't paid for it yet) raw meat, do that *beep* in the woods, carve symbols in the floor, yep, draw MORE attention. Make a public spectacle of the priest in front of 300+ people? Great!
Oh, but the satanists had already been in the home, installing cams for no reason, since they already have people standing outside all the time. WHAT IS THE POINT OF PEOPLE STANDING OUTSIDE IF THEY CAN SEE EVERYTHING THAT IS GOING ON???? Why didn't THEY carve the symbols?! They could have carved them in inconspicuous places to not draw attention.
This movie is pure and utter *beep* You like the jump scares? Great. But don't try and tell me this movie is a "good" movie. It IS deserving of it's rating. Less than, actually.
But if you are a part of a couple, let's just pretend you are on your honeymoon. You have seen movies like Hostel and *beep* You tell the cab driver (hell, let's start at the beginning, shall we?) that you both want to go to the hotel. He tells you NO? That he is taking you somewhere else?! Hell, he will even PAY for it?
I agree with you there, I was like wtf! Get out. If he won't stop, then jump out.
The priest that wanted to DELIVER the antichrist suddenly gets nosebleeds like the antichrist is AFFECTING him in a negative way? Watch the scene again, that is EXACTLY what they were implying.
What? The Priest never said anything about delivering the baby. They were going to a Doctor. And if you meant the Doctor, when did he get a nosebleed? I just went back and checked the Doctors office scene and it doesn't happen. This complaint doesn't make sense unless I completely missed something.
Let's say she was giving birth to THE antichrist. Well, then you are religious. And you know that evil is sneaky. Know what the smart thing to do is? ACT *beep* NORMAL, BE BORN AND PROTECTED BY BOTH YOUR PARENTS (since the dad is a *beep* dillhole and would defend the baby to the death, even if wrong), AND THEN ACT LIKE *beep* LUICIOUS (or whatever the *beep* the kid in the omen's name is).
The way this is written, I have no idea what this means, so we'll just write it off.
Yep, making the mom publicly eat stolen (she hadn't paid for it yet) raw meat, do that *beep* in the woods, carve symbols in the floor, yep, draw MORE attention.
I took it as a Mom having cravings. Just way more intense cravings due to what she was having. The thing inside her just gave her the strength to do it. Cookies and ice cream just aren't gonna do it for the Antichrist.
Oh, but the satanists had already been in the home, installing cams for no reason, since they already have people standing outside all the time. WHAT IS THE POINT OF PEOPLE STANDING OUTSIDE IF THEY CAN SEE EVERYTHING THAT IS GOING ON??
You almost answered your own question. Almost. The point of people standing outside is because they can only see what is inside. There ya go. When they leave the house, someone needs to follow them. The cameras inside the house cant fly after them. Falling into place now?
Why didn't THEY carve the symbols?! They could have carved them in inconspicuous places to not draw attention.
Could be chalked up to it having to have been done by the carrier of the baby, that wasn't explained though.
Make a public spectacle of the priest in front of 300+ people? Great!
What was it supposed to do? Sit in Church and keep feeling pain (or burning or whatever). No one knew what cause it, so what was so bad about the people that were there? It showed everyone kinda looking around at each other. You make it sound like everyone knew Sam had done it. But they didn't. So another complaint that doesn't fly.
Honestly your complaints about it seem to just be a lack of catching on or paying attention. It was by no means a great movie, but it also wasn't that bad.
"I'm not so sure this is, structurally speaking, such a good time for your, uh, buddies to drop in."
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Ok, you took the time to reply, so I will review the parts I discussed.
Ok, so, for the nosebleed scene, it was the daughter's first communion.
Ok, I was wrong. I swear he had a nosebleed, but watching it again, no, he didn't. However, he put his arm around the mom. He bagan coughing. BAD. Could barely talk. The whole point there was to try and act like the fact she had the antichrist inside of her was affecting him. Start around 48:49 and watch. It was deliberately trying to say "THIS MAN IS A MAN OF GOD, AND HE SENSES SATAN". Now, if you skip to 1:21:06, I have no confirmation yet, but I believe that is the same man.
Just because you didn't get what I am saying, means you should write it off.
What I meant is, watch "The Omen". The devil (or antichrist, whatever) is born. They kill people in ways that people aren't drawing attention to the child. She (stole) first of all, by eating it without paying. And people aren't questioning? No one stopped her? She suddenly became herself and didn't question eating raw meat in a store? Cause that is NEVER mentioned again. Either she was in control of herself, or she wasn't. If she was, she is *beep* insane. If she wasn't, but woke up to avoid cops, she would wonder and do some investigating herself. Even if the baby made her, she isn't under some SPELL the entire time, she gets lucid periods. Like when the cops should have been called.
You are right. Someone outside needs to follow them. So sit in a car. Or do you really think when they walk outside and suddenly see people standing by a tree, that they should walk into their backyard? Seriously? I am no master of stealth, but jesus. That is an ass backwards plan. I would at least try to hide. Watch it again. Because they didn't. They were right in the open. In fact, all that would do is make them ensure their security and situational awareness is even BETTER.
The symbols seemed to be the power, not who carved them. I recall seeing symbols in the house the hubby snuck into. Also, the little girl totally would have told someone either why she screamed, or just spilled the beans. And the hubby NEVER enters the room and saw the carvings? NO questions?
I find it insulting that you call my objections "lack of catching on or paying attention". You agreed completely on one point, and didn't understand another.
DISREGARD. THE PRIEST TOTALLY HAD A NOSEBLEED. Who isn't paying attention now? Watch the WHOLE first communion again. He had a total fit (the message was saying) IN THE PRESENCE OF THE DEVIL.
Please, tell me how I am not catching on, or paying attention. I already brought this up, and you didn't even care to watch it. At least I am scrolling through it to back myself up.
That's an awful lot of vitriol inspired by a movie that you didn't like.
You've clearly spent a lot of time thinking about it. Something about this movie got to you, whether you liked it or not.
"Horror" is a broad genre. There are very few people who will like all movies labled "horror."
There are also a lot of really, really bad movies out there in that particular genre. Really bad. This one was by far NOT one of the worst. It simply "is what it is." It shouldn't deserve rave reviews, but it also shouldn't inspire profanity-laden bipolar rants, either.
Movies are IQ tests. The IMDB boards are each person's opportunity to broadcast their score.
It IS a lot of vitriol, you are correct there. It drives me nuts when plots/movies are so sloppily thought out, and irks me further when people are duped into having to grasp at straws to defend the film because they begin to see how sloppy it is, as the other person who responded to me had to do. This was nothing, as far as responding to a movie. The 4th Kind and Quarantine reviews were scrapped once they hit 3 pages.
Nope, it doesn't take a lot of time to catch stuff that pisses you off during a movie viewing. It takes an hour and a half (or whatever the movie length is). It is as simple as:
(Scene with couple in taxi) Dude: Yo, take us to our hotel. Driver: No. There is a better place. No charge. Me: Wtf? And they are just all, "oh, ok". That's *beep* dumb. Darwin Award winners, right here.
Literally as the scene plays, one can think this stuff. And yes, something about this movie got to me, alright, it is *beep* like that that is not realistic, or just not explained (like the wife eating raw meat in a crowded place, staining herself with blood, getting away without anyone noticing or asking questions, not asking questions HERSELF (it happens to us all, sometimes, you know?), etc)
You are correct, it IS a broad genre. Typically, cult/religious movies don't scare me at all. However, I want to point out that I never once criticized a moment of the film for not being "scary enough" but rather about the multitudes of things that make no sense. I think we can both agree that different people are scared by different things. Again, though, knowing that satanic cults are not my "thing" I chose not to address whether or not I thought the movie was SCARY.
You are also correct in that this is hardly the worst one. There ARE far worse out there. I stumbled upon the message boards, and saw that someone had said that the film was not *beep* and I shared my two cents on why I thought it was.
Profanity laden? Absolutely, I swear like a sailor. It sounds angrier than it is, just, well, laden with them, as you said. Also, I may have been drunk when writing it. It is almost a year later, at this point, I cant remember. However, I am going to have to challenge you on your diagnosis, doc, as Wikipedia says Bipolar is: "Bipolar disorder is characterized by transitions between depression and mania." I assume you said it because I seemed really angry, but according to the definition, it can also apply to abnormally happy and abnormally energetic. In fact, like with WebMD, looking at all the symptoms, I think I could TECHNICALLY diagnose a majority of people. But seeing as how there was no hint of depression in my post, and looking over Mania's definition and characteristics, that cannot be determined by reading an angry post (especially with no prior relationship with the person), so I feel like you threw that in there just as a freebie little jab.
We can go into the itty bitty details of these illnesses, but let's focus on Ramparts, people. Is there anything I brought up about the movie that you would care to refute, clarify, or debate? Because otherwise, aside from your diagnosis and the idea that I lay awake at night obsessing over this movie when those thoughts came to me while watching it, I think we are pretty much in agreement.
OK, now THAT was a great and well-written rant. Even if there are elements with which I don't agree, I can't argue that it wasn't well thought out. I retract my previous criticism, and offer my apologies and respect.
Movies are IQ tests. The IMDB boards are each person's opportunity to broadcast their score.
(Scene with couple in taxi) Dude: Yo, take us to our hotel. Driver: No. There is a better place. No charge. Me: Wtf? And they are just all, "oh, ok". That's *beep* dumb. Darwin Award winners, right here.
Do a little research man, before ranting BS, some restaurants, night clubes and discos give cab drivers COMMISIONS for bringing tourists here in south america, and lots of time they make more money with the commision then with the cab fare.
It isn't "ranting BS" considering they asked to go to their hotel, and the cab driver said no. Even if he got a commission for the ride (which would at least explain the no charge). And if, out of everything I said, THAT is the only thing you can harp on, then you are grasping at straws, here. Also, are you familiar with "character knowledge" vs our knowledge? The fact that your argument WASN'T the case makes it a moot point.
That's fine if it is valid in your book. You cannot expect everyone to know everything about other countries, and considering that commission thing does not happen here in the US, it would not even be something to pop in my head to research. What would I google? "Why do cab drivers ignore your requests in South America?" You are telling me you think your average person who doesn't live there would think, "Hmm, I wonder if perhaps the local clubs offer the cab drivers commissions to drag people to their establishments. Never heard of that before, don't even think it exists, but better type it in anyway, even though he brought them for more sinister purposes and I know this."
Show me a tourist book where they give this information that you would reasonably expect foreign people to see and remember as common knowledge. And after considering the effect that I do not live there, cannot afford to travel there (thus not reading any books about traveling there and what to expect), THEN you can claim my spouting was ignorant BS, after showing me how it is common knowledge. Because when it comes to the US and little things that are not necessarily advertised but "we" know about it anyways, I bet I could be just as condescending to you.
You took your time to answer, I will do the same...I am brazilian, but living in Argentina for a few years now, and I work with tourism, the cab driver was a nice "seller". The couple was in their last day, probably about 2000 dollars left to spend, the cab driver would get a NICE commission at some restaurants I know here, so he took a shot...
Now, it is only a movie, and we know the cab driver had a satanic reason to bring the couple, but I know a few cab drivers that are very "skilled" in making money with tourists here, and I haven't heard yet of any (tourists) giving birth to the
Is not in the category of a 4.0 , I've seen worse movies getting way above 4.0 , I think to me it was a bit slow at times but the scares were good & the ending was great.....
The cab scene was pretty unforgivable, but the ending ruined the film.
Why would the police suspect the husband? How is it that the police say they didn't find anything in the abandoned house where the Satanists were living? There where cots and computer equipment in there moments before the final showdown. And the hidden cameras they left behind in his house? There was not time for the Satanists to take care of their tracks, and the cops didn't find any of it.
it was an interesting update on Rosemary's baby... with some new effects thrown for the modern audience.
it is interesting as someone in the audience watching and knowing something that the main characters do not know... and that went on most of the movie...