MovieChat Forums > Y2K (2024) Discussion > Where did you spend your New Year’s Eve ...

Where did you spend your New Year’s Eve ?

I was high and laid in Dom Rep, cigar clinched between my fingers, wet under my foreskin, a green bottle of president securely wrapped in my other hand! Good times.



I was at work. everyone thought the world was going to end and all the big wigs were there waiting for something bad to happen. at 12:05, all the management left and then I was stuck celebrating a new year with a bunch of duds.


I was gonna cut the power to the house at 12:00AM as family and friends gathered around the 36" RCA ready to roll in the new millennium. It would have been hilarious to watch everyone freak out that the Y2K bug was actually going to be a thing.

However, I completely forgot.. and this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Darn shame!


I was working and on the roof of the high rise building at the time. We were watching the fireworks and waiting for the helicopters to fall from the sky. The whole Y2K was a non event given the build up and amount of money that got sunk into fixing the year on computers.

I am amazed they have made a film based on it given nothing happened and anyone born after it would probably know nothing about it.


New Year's Eve 1999 was just another ordinary New Year's Eve. New Year's Eve 2000 was the actual end of the decade, century, and millennium, but most people didn't realize it and celebrated a year prematurely. It's not a matter of opinion, it's arithmetic: "decade" means 10, not 9. "Century" means 100, not 99. "Millennium" means 1,000, not 999. There was no "year zero".


