Disappointing as time goes on
At the end of the last episode of a painful season 6 seeing the gang so disjointed, Bright gives the viewers hope that things will be back to its former sense of unity between the members. It was a great season in its own right, but it was hard to see so much animosity between Thursday and Endeavour, I was looking forward to them getting back on track with liking each other again. But no....season 7 had them at odds again, Morse is grumpy and disrespectful of Thursday, and I sorely missed the camaraderie between them that was so essential to the first 5 seasons. It's like the writer, Russel Lewis is trying too hard to set the stage for a later part in Morse's life. We're not there yet, keep the good vibes going, otherwise this show is done for. Sort of like Sherlock, it just didn't know where it was going anymore and a lot of viewers were no longer invested. Lewis is rushing this. Get back to what made the show great.