MovieChat Forums > I.T. (2016) Discussion > Moral of the story: Don't be a douchebag

Moral of the story: Don't be a douchebag

Mike Reagan deserved everything he got for being such a dickhead.


I agree


Yeah, although as someone else said in this forum: "28 year old creeping on his 17 year old daughter plus showing up in places he's not supposed to during family time. that's pretty much why..."


Um clearly says "born in 1993" so he's 23. Not that big of a difference.


I just watched it with captions and I'm pretty sure it said 1983. Even older than he told the daughter, which was 28.

Pobre de Dios que no sale en revistas, que no es modelo ni artista, o de familia real...


I watched with caps on and the old dude said he was born in 1983.


So this is where we are now. A person has no right to reject the friendship overtures of a psycho? And that makes him a douchebag?



If you act like he did in this movie, quiet certainly 100% douchebag.


Still not an excuse to harm his family.


No way. First of all he was VERY NICE to the IT kid in the beginning. He went out of his way to express appreciation for his help at the meeting. He said he'd make sure he gets a permanent position at the company. He spent time with him while he was working at the house.

He didn't like him creeping on his 17 year old daughter, and inviting himself over, which was highly inappropriate. Even so he was very civil when trying to establish those boundaries. And the IT guy went completely psycho on him because of that.

The shady stuff with the review board or whatever is another matter. But as far as the IT guy was concerned, he was a peach.

Pobre de Dios que no sale en revistas, que no es modelo ni artista, o de familia real...


Exactly! You said exactly what I was going to write. It's crazy that people actually agree with the OP


Agreed OP is nuts. Brosnan's character was exceedingly polite to the IT guy in the beginning. It is clear that he genuinely meant it when he said in the beginning, when they pass each other outside of work, that he's going to get him a full-time job there instead of just temp work. If they wanted the audience to know that Brosnan wasn't being genuine, they would've somehow communicated that to us. I don't know where people are getting the idea that he was "just using him". Grow up. First of all if you work ANYWHERE you are being "used" - you're completely replaceable - and second of all he WAS trying to give Ed better opportunities because Ed did a great job (in the beginning). That's how it works. And being nice (having him stay for beer & steak) was just him being appreciative and is more than most managers/bosses do for employees. Think about it. Most "cool" managers do what?... maybe bring in donuts once a week? Compare that to Regan inviting Ed over to his home and having beers. Yes he was over to work on his home's IT-related stuff, but going above and beyond is exactly how you find new opportunities. At that point in the movie, Regan was still going to get Ed set up with good work, and that's the point when Ed started stalking his underage daughter.

"Just using him"... Jesus CHRIST. People are WAY too sensitive nowadays. I'm sure OP feels that he's "oppressed" by every little too?


No Dad is gonna be cool with a 28 year old moving in on his 17 yo only daughter

Honestly I don't think Mike Regan reacted hard and fast enough to shut that guy down the minute he started creeping on his daughter.

I would have launched a full investigation on the guy from the minute he showed up at the family party after chatting online with the daughter


Sending a friend request to the daughter was not appropriate. When he arrived at the home for dinner, I as a Dad would have taken him onto the den and explained to him that the daughter was off-limits in a civil manner, due to her age. If he persisted after that, I'd call the police.



The OT is a SJW too bad he doesn't carry a gun because it's TRIGGERS HIM...

Humans were never designed to live peacefully with each other, this is why we have world wars


Me a SJW? Just because I think the corporate douche is, well, a douchebag?
Well that's a new one...


Anytime SJW is used to describe someone you know the guy who wrote it is a douche, without fail. Probably a CUCK.


I would have fixed my own wifi.
