MovieChat Forums > Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) Discussion > Fox just ruined one of the best game cha...

Fox just ruined one of the best game character in game history.

there is so much character detail about 47 and skip wood has no sense and all he can do is just *beep* got so much about 47 hell they can even make hitman origins.the asylum,fellow agents,his childhood,his fathers etc.there should be a narrative movie and like mad max 47 should not say much.stealth play,accident kills,agency there is so much and every time we get 47 with a girl.even hitman contracts had better story than this *beep*


it doesn't matter what story they do or how they do it. it doesn't matter who plays 47, how they play 47, or how they delve into 47s past. no matter what they do with hitman movies, people like you will always complain and say its *beep* even if you wrote the script personally you would still come back and bitch about how terrible the movie is. its a movie, not the video game, if i wanted the same story from any of the video games then i would play the video games.



Never played the games and loved Hitman with Timothy Olyphant.

But i like this one as well, because i expected it to be far far far worse and was very sceptical with my huge "Oh my God why!?" feeling when hearing about this.
But i didn't really miss the background story of 47 as i already knew it.
No i just saw this as an action movie and was able to turn off the whole agent 47.
This doesn't happen often to me so i totally understand all the negative comments.

(The story reminded me of Terminator 1 and 2 to some extend :)
The search for the girl.
Protecting her.
On the run.
The hard to kill metal skinned John Smith, who in the end wasn't dead at all.
The police station interrogation.(embassy)
The hotel fight.


Altho there is alot hate in the foruns, people are ritgh about this movie, i play this game since begning and i would love to see a good hitman movie.

Its obvious this people who made and write the story are not fans off the game.

If heroes from comic books can make great films (like last Batman ones)why cant a video game char cant??


Hitman: Absolution already ruined it in 2012.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Sadly because of the way movies and the majority of movie goers work there will never be a movie that portrays 47 the way he is in the games.
Both of the movies now have humanised 47 in order to create a protagonist and a more likeable character.
This is just the way the hollywood machine works; the belief that very few people are going to be interested in going to see a movie where the main character is the antagonist.
Just look at other highly rated movies and other fiction, the main character is rarely ever a bad guy and Agent 47 is a bad guy. A very bad guy.

The only possible way 47 will ever be portrayed on film the same way he is in the games is if an indie studio makes a movie with a tight budget; and then all the supposed fans of the games will complain when it doesn't have the scope of the games, and as you're all mostly a bunch of entitled idiots who just love to complain about everything why should somebody put the effort in to making a movie you'll like just so you can hate it?
If you want to potentially see a better Hitman movie then stop complaining, support this movie by rating it highly and buying it. That's the only way more movies will ever get made.

I enjoyed both of the Hitman movies for what they were, and I enjoy the Hitman games for what they are. A movie that doesn't live up to your expectations doesn't undo what you love about the games anymore than a mediocre Hitman game undid what you enjoyed about Blood Money (which is more than likely the only game other than Absolution most of you whiny babies have played).


47 doesn't have a father. He's a nameless test tube baby, one of the copies from the 47th genome revision.
