Feminism thinking equals low IQ
No, only sexist idiots like you who don't even know jack about feminism, and are too lazy to, say stupid s*** like that. FYI, I'm a grown women who's not even into video games, but I love action films. Saw the trailers for this film , it looked good, so I went to see it. I thought it was pretty good, since it had everything a good action film should have-----a bad-a** protagonist no one wants to fck with, hardcore villains, a women (the main character) who was ready in jump into the action went necessary and a fast-paced packed full of action storyline that kept things moving. Was surprised to see that it wasn't a bigger box office hit, bu then, the fact that so much time elasped between the original film (which I haven't seen yet) might have had something to do with that.
As for all you men (or little boys, it sounds more like) whining on here about seeing women in action films, just STFU, please. At least 99% of action films feature men in the lead, so what the hell are you complaining about? As a female moviegoer, I live seeing women kick a** alongside men onscreen. Barely 1% of action films even feature women in the lead action role---some of you act like seeing a women on screen doing a traditionally male role somehow threatens your manhood, or some s*** like that. Shut the hell up and quit whining about it---it is what the hell it is. Women will watch what they watch, y'all watch whatever the hell it is you watch. End of story (yawn.)