Feminist trend

Lately Hollywood is focusing on adding female roles on franchises that did not had them before. For example "Mad Max: Fury Road", I did enjoy the movie, but It felt like it was more about 'Furiosa' than it was about 'Max'.
In this Hitman reboot, 'Katia van Dees' is shown as superior to Agent 47, I don't recall any character like that in the Games.

Not that there's anything wrong with portraying empowered woman, but make original movies for that, like 'Kill Bill' or 'Tomb Raider'.
Don't ruin the image of the protagonist or the origin story.

How would it feel, if they reboot "Alien" with a male lead, and make Ripley's character a more dismal supporting one?


Completely agree this is just another attempt to insert a woman in to a script that did not need one. I found her quite annoying, considering she was supposed to be better than 47, he just spent all his time teaching her how to do things like he was teaching a child. The disassembling of the gun scene took it to new levels of irritating.


How dare the film studios try to cater for 50% of the available audience.

It's that man again!!


Women do not want to see a 47 movie. If you have girl friends you would know. furthermore the ratio of the world population is 101:100.


Ugh. Lies. I'm a woman and watched this...maybe if you had a gf you'd know we don't all just like Nicholas Sparks movies. This movie was corny as balls. The girl was annoying and the only decent fight scenes were shown in the preview.


Maybe don't speak for all women?...


Seriously. In an action flick. Most women want to see men there and most men want to see men there as well. Traditionally female action flicks don't do very well.

Salt was good
Lara Croft as well

But those are Jolie films.

Hunger Games is not my thing but it was good.

The Hobbit was mainly men

Star Wars will have a leading girl and thats good.

It's good to see diversity but the part has to be good.


Hunger Games is not my thing but it was good.

Ehh, Hunger Games was more drama-adventure than action flick.

But you're right that most action flicks starring females don't do well. A lot of times it's because 1) they get lead actresses who aren't believable as action heroes, and 2) because usually they make all the male characters around them emasculated so the movie comes across as kind of stupid and people end up rolling their eyes at how stupid it is, like Columbiana or Aeon Flux.

Strangely, though, those awful Resident Evil movies do decently enough, but those are gosh awful.

I think female leads in action films would do better if they had more believable leads who actually seem capable as action heroes instead of super models pretending to know how to hold a gun. It's the same reason why movies starring Taylor Lautner bomb... no one believes that kid is an action hero.


How dare the film studios try to cater for 50% of the available audience.

Yea,moron. Cause women are lining up in droves to play hitman or go see it in theater.


Primary 10 you really think 50% of the people watching hitman agent 47 and that played the game are female????


My daughter has played the Hitman games!

She can also read better than you as she would be able to get my name right.

It's that man again!!


Typed that message on my phone pal I didn't know not spelling your username on an internet message board would get your panties so wound up. Your daughter must be a real tom boy so. I would say with absolute certainty the demographic of Hitman fans is not 50/50 male to female.


For a guy who get his panties wet because women might be part of the demographics, I will take no lectures from you!

It's that man again!!


pahaha i nearly fell off my chair reading that. Guy with panties cutting him they are so wound up claims other guy is getting his panties wet. I don't care how many women are Hitman fans I am just willing to bet large wads of cash that it is not remotely near 50% of the total fan base thus making the feminist plot angle pointless. People saying "this is 2015 women are equal" must be white knighting really hard.


You are pathetic. Your daughter is unlucky to have a senseless mom like yourself.


totally thought you were about to direct this at the daughter, cudos for keeping it modest


Jesus christ, you're a pathetic troll.


Everybody is a troll on here. Literally everybody.


now you could make a case about feminism in Mad Max, but this movie, i saw none of it. Its nothing new for an action movie to have a female supporting actress. heck, its a trope on its own.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.



Agree. Feminism thinking equals low IQ. If we are all equal, why point it out? I respect human beings, not "man or woman".

๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ด ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฐ ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ฎ ...covenant deluxe



Feminism thinking equals low IQ

No, only sexist idiots like you who don't even know jack about feminism, and are too lazy to, say stupid s*** like that. FYI, I'm a grown women who's not even into video games, but I love action films. Saw the trailers for this film , it looked good, so I went to see it. I thought it was pretty good, since it had everything a good action film should have-----a bad-a** protagonist no one wants to fck with, hardcore villains, a women (the main character) who was ready in jump into the action went necessary and a fast-paced packed full of action storyline that kept things moving. Was surprised to see that it wasn't a bigger box office hit, bu then, the fact that so much time elasped between the original film (which I haven't seen yet) might have had something to do with that.

As for all you men (or little boys, it sounds more like) whining on here about seeing women in action films, just STFU, please. At least 99% of action films feature men in the lead, so what the hell are you complaining about? As a female moviegoer, I live seeing women kick a** alongside men onscreen. Barely 1% of action films even feature women in the lead action role---some of you act like seeing a women on screen doing a traditionally male role somehow threatens your manhood, or some s*** like that. Shut the hell up and quit whining about it---it is what the hell it is. Women will watch what they watch, y'all watch whatever the hell it is you watch. End of story (yawn.)


Hope for soreness in your fingers... Yawn.


I have no issue with women heroines being introduced in franchises, if done well.. and minus the feminist SJW propaganda.

This movie is based on Absolution, so that's why the female "agent" exists. You might wanna play the games to learn about the lore more.


As a man I love it and hope that we get more female protagonists in action movies! Loved Rey, loved Furiousa..

(What the hell is wrong with people these days..?)
