Does "civilization" REALLY explain just like that the better prison conditions in Scandinavian countries?
As well as lack of one particular problem that one of the gentlemen openly outlined in the car, and then just state, like that, "civilization"? Also, and what, in America and elsewhere, why is this so-called "civilization" lacking, does it even explain anything at all, is it more complex than that?
Its like even criminal establishments, even if they are still it, can have some redeeming value, whether one likes it or not?
Plus, can that gentleman like REALLY be so sure? And certain? That similar negative aspects may not happen in at least some Scandinavian jails and that in some American ones not all or even not many become that twisted or problematic, however some do?
And dental offers, like that?
Imagine what NON-CRIMINAL ESTABLISHMENTS can be like then in Norway and the lot.
P.S. Come to really think of it, regardless of how much gritty truth there is on either side of the world, I bet those two men in that car during that conversation probably did NOT think of it too deeply. Also, some people I know may not always see it as simple as all that. Some even thought the privileges in jail received by the likes of Breivik was too much, for being a mass murderer especially. And is that justice or even totally how it has to be, or even CIVILIZATION? And kinda lol or maybe not, at how, for one or both of them, one of the topics discussed there openly wasn't in any way personally taboo or even UNCOMFORTABLE to mention, regardless of "truth" OR "civilization". One of them maybe could've also said - "And probably no MURDERS IN PRISONS HAPPENING EITHER, RIGHT?" (Besides, they ALSO go on in such establishments at least sometimes too. Like, in the world in general.) And neither of them even asked "Hmm, so what made our inmates and guards not prone to such behaviour?" Oh well...
(Reply however you wish, but maybe put some inventive spins on the issue, and remember its a MOVIE too and what CHARACTERS thought and said and how.)