Shitty concert

Ugh. You couldn't pay me to go to that concert, and the whole damn movie was just the concert. Almost no suspense, no movement, no nothing. Just the constant droning of Shamalamadingdong's daughter. Awful.
Not to mention she's a terrible actress and looks like a space alien.


That’s a little harsh. I thought she did good, and she’s cute (she doesn’t look like a space alien). It might have cost them a lot of time and money to find a legit pop star who could also act, so they went his daughter, who probably cost them less in terms of the budget

Your complaint is that the movie was just the concert, but a decent amount of the movie actually takes place after the concert.


I thought she did a good job and she does not look like a space alien. I should know as I am friends with several space aliens.
