"The Magical Negro" appears in this one!...
"The Magical Negro"...a supporting stock character who comes to the aid of white protagonists in a film...makes an appearance in Trap! Josh Harnett desperately needs to find a way out of the concert and needs to find out the special password given to the employees...insert The Magical Negro! He, as always, helps a white guy out and moves the story along. I hadn't seen one in quite a few years...the gimmick returned here though. The last time I remember being at the theater and noticing a Magical Negro was from the movie The Invasion (2007) starring Nicole Kidman, so it's been a while. (In The Invasion, a terrified Kidman is about to be found out by the populace to be still human...when a black cop appears and gives her some advice about how not to be recognized, like to stop sweating...then sends her on her way to complete her mission.)