As a paraplegic myself, I was excited when I saw the trailer because it portrayed a disabled person in a romantic role, and as far as I know, that's never been done before in a movie.
finally a positive attitude. as a paraplegic myself, that's one of the things i'm excited for about the movie as well. it gives me hope that i can one day find love, because right now i can tell you, the way my health is going, i constantly ask myself 'who's ever going to love me enough to want to deal with all my crap?'. it's a real insecurity of mine.
furthermore, not to spoil the subject matter too much, but knowing how the film turns out, i don't see how in any way, shape or form this film can be romanticized. for lou not to be enough for will to not want to die is just about the least romantic thing i can think of! it'd be romantic if she changes his mind, but she doesn't. and honestly, i find that refreshing because if i was in his position, i would do the same thing. I'm not suicidal but I sure as hell am not looking forward to the next 80 years in this lousy body. if anything, i'm excited for this film to open up a good dialogue of quality vs quantity of life.