Callie's plan to fix things at the end...
What was Callie hoping to accomplish by leaving her note at the window? The machine never enabled them to change things that had already happened; it only showed them what was going on in their perpetually open-blinded living room 24 hrs into the future. Callie's notes to herself in the 8am photos only allowed her to plan future scenarios (getting closer to Finn again etc.). The doctor even implies that there is no way to "*beep* with time". Mr. B saw an image which implied his death but he had no way of knowing how or why his hat was in their living room. His attempts to mess with time changed nothing. His death and all the images that would follow came to be. So what was Callie thinking? Did she assume that if the image was different than the one they were shown she and the others would enter some sort of Groundhog Day loop and get to replay the events?