MovieChat Forums > The 100 (2014) Discussion > Root of all evil according to the show.

Root of all evil according to the show.


Look at the violence done by Clarke to protect and finally to avenge Madi. Before that Clarke's mom was responsible for sending 100 back to Earth so that she wouldn't be executed.

Yes violence existed before 100 were sent back to Earth, but it was more balanced and never approached level of genocide.


After years of intensive research it was finally discovered what causes drug addiction:


Proof: Almost all drug addicts received mother's milk.
Mao, Stalin and Hitler also had mothers!!! πŸ€”β€‹πŸ€”β€‹πŸ€”β€‹


haha saw an audience member use that on a tv debate once

host: "This heroin addict started with cannabis!"
guy: "I think you'll find he started on milk"


Haha...certainly you remember what channel and what debate that was.


oh it was years ago ... uk morning talky show , a bit like Oprah

probly this one :


One group living anywhere near another group. They had the entire Earth and groups living within a few miles of each other F'd everything up.
Then they go to this moon. Right on queue one group lives near another group. All hell breaks loose. They should have just gone back to space, re-grouped and went back down and picked a new spot.....1,000 MILES from Sanctum. If there are any people there....blast off and move another 1,000 miles away until they find a spot with NO PEOPLE!!!
