MovieChat Forums > The 100 (2014) Discussion > We're in the space station to your west....

We're in the space station to your west...

Is there a west in space? I didn't think so. I don't think there's a North, south, or east either.....

Maybe planetary directions still exist in orbit??


Sure there is, if they are in a polar orbit there is definitely east west north south. Same with a geosynchronous orbit. Satellites view the Earth as we do, otherwise your navigation system or Google maps would lead you over a cliff or into a building.


I won't debate about orbital direction. As I said in my post, I don't know if it exists. That said, directions via Google Maps have nothing to do with that. We're on the planet. Not in space, or orbit. The satellite simply pinpoints our location on Earth, where polar direction exists, then directs us via preloaded maps within the software. There is no relation at all to anything in orbit.


If you are flying in an airplane, you follow the same North/South/East/West directions as if you are walking or driving. My assumption is that these directions do not change while orbiting the Earth.

The individuals on the Ark are thinking of everything in reference to the Earth.


Airplanes don't fly in space. Whether or not they're using Earth as a reference doesn't answer the question.


That's not really my point ...

Airplanes don't fly in space, but other aircrafts do, and they are going to follow many of the same navigational tools as an airplane.

Is suppose I should just go back to your original question:

"Maybe planetary directions still exist in orbit?"

Yes, planetary directions still exist in space. If spacekru was just above North America and Eligius IV was just above Asia, the Eligius IV was to the West of spacekru.


Airplanes don't fly in space, but other aircrafts do, and they are going to follow many of the same navigational tools as an airplane.

Wow....maybe you want to research that and amend your answer. With exceptions, there's a common belief that there's no up or down in space. But we'll just dump you in the middle of that space and tell you to go west to get home. I'm sure you'll make it.

Yes, certain tools are used in all navigation, but with just the tools you speak of, you'd be lost forever.


"we'll just dump you in the middle if that space"

Well, they're not in the middle of space, they're orbiting the Earth.

It's assumed that everything is with respect to the planet - west with respect to the current location and planet Earth. If spacekru was just Above North America and Eligius IV was just above Aulstrailia, they would have said South-West.

I'm pretty sure you already know this and just like to argue or cause trouble..


I'm pretty sure you already know this and just like to argue or cause trouble..

First, you initiated this. Not me. No one forced you to involve yourself in a post you don't agree with. That was your choice. So any trouble starting would be directly attributed to you.

Second, you're pretty sure I know it? Why, because in your misguided mind, you're correct? You're not, and trust me, what I do know conflicts with what you know, but I have facts on my side. You simply want to twist things to support your inaccuracies.

It's a shame so many people want to start a debate based on what they think and not what's actually true. They then spend so much effort trying to find things they can twist to support their stance. It never works. Simply do the research first, and make sure you understand it. Then join the discussion.

As for your comment saying they're not in the middle of space, what's the difference? You're the one who said vehicles fly through space using the same navigational tools as airplanes. Your words. Are you again misunderstanding what "space" is? You can't fly through space with just the navigational tools an airplane uses. Do a little research for once. You now seem to be debating your own comments as well as mine.


North, south, east, and west are based on the magnetic field of the earth, so no, space doesn't have a West. Plus, we basically base those directions on two dimensional navigation, whereas space is about as three dimensional as it gets.

I'm guessing someone in a spaceship would use some sort of 360 degree bearing data that utilizes the X,Y, and Z axis'.


They are in orbit. That means they circle the earth, just like an airplane but a "bit" higher. So if for an airplane you still have west, east, etc then you should have them for an orbiting item as well. Even "up" and "down" relative to earth are still valid in their case ...

Plus: east: where the sun rises. If you remember at some point we could see how the sun raised from behind the earth.
