MovieChat Forums > The 100 (2014) Discussion > 85 pound Octavia trying to be a bad ass

85 pound Octavia trying to be a bad ass

Is the biggest laughingstock the CW has ever produced. Every time I see her face turn dour and try to look menacing makes me think I'm looking at a high school girl who's mad she can't go to the prom. It takes me right out of the show. Virtually anybody on the show; male or female could crush her with one blow.


Larosat, I myself couldn't stop laughing at that. One minute she's all innocent on the space station, and then she's walking around like a big bad grounder trying to kick the shit out of people with her small frame. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Yeah she is tiny but tough. She grew the most throughout the series.


Originally I didn't agree with this post until the writers went all in the wrong direction with Octavia's story arc in Season 5.

That character has always had a chip on her should which admittedly has been annoying, but I dealt with it because she's so hot and easy on the eyes.

Then in season 5 they transform a nonsensical character with a convoluted sense of self identity and a crap ton of unjustified baggage into this tyrant blood queen in the bunker for no good reason. I can't figure out why the writers went there with this character.

It has gotten ridiculous, but watching Octavia trying to be amoral and ruthless is just goofy. Now I do laugh when she tries to act threatening.


The IMDB was never lacking for "OMG a tiny woman beating up men???? DERRRRP!" threads for every film or TV featuring a female character in an action role.

Thank you for keeping the spirit of incredibly fragile egos alive, larosat.

You are a true incel warrior.


"Size matters not." - Yoda


That's why it's called escapist fantasy. Of course in such a dystopian world, kids would not be leading, much less young girls. Particularly absurd when the leaders of the grounders are always women or girls when in such a world, females would have resumed the traditional roles and half would be pregnant most of the time.


Why is everyone saying she's so tiny? She's 5'5", she's got some meat on her bones and she's fit. She is a very driven character and she trained (probably a lot) under hard as nails, Indra. It's a fantasy show. People want heroes and they don't just want muscle bound, badass men (they're necessary, too). They want underdogs, unlikelys and long shots. I mean seriously, pretty much every character has been shot, blown up, stabbed, beaten, infected/irradiated, crippled, etc., etc. enough to kill them many times over, but what fun would that be?


The incel vibe is strong is this thread.

You can smell the Dorito dust...
