After reading for weeks how everybody were going nuts about Sulu being gay, finally got to watch the movie, and "the scene" is like 10 seconds, he briefly hugs some guy and that's it, that's the big shock?
Haha, I still can't believe so many went blue in the face and are still discussing it to death, I mean you could easily miss the whole scene if you opened your coke or took some popcorn at the wrong time, I pretty much missed it myself and had to rewind to see what was going on. First world problems all the way.
It's an homage to George Takei that George Takei himself thought was bullcrap. George took pride in his ability to play a character that was different from himself, and feels that making the character more like him is a disservice to that character.
It's a reboot. They did not change the original star trek with it. And honestly, who gives a flying turd what sjw Takei thinks? That dude is a complete joke.
...but they hung him anyway. Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.
I never really got why Takei was so upset about it, but he is entitled to his opinion. It seems like in Beyond they made Sulu gay to try and be more inclusive and represent different socio cultural groups in the film. Hopefully that's how most people interpreted it.
"We should be honoring Gene ... We should be paying tribute to him rather than to me because it's not really about me. Yes I am gay, and I am an active advocate for LGBT equality, but don't pay tribute to me. It's not about me, or Sulu. It's about Gene and what he did."--Takei
What he wanted was a new character to be LGBT, but fully endorsed the idea of a gay character in Star Trek Beyond. He did NOT think it was bullcrap at all, he thought that changing an existing character would be a lazy and too easy way to do it.
I noticed people seem to be pretending that Mr. Takei's reaction to Sulu being gay was that the writers were "forcing" the LGBT lifestyle on the audience, that is incorrect his reaction was more "about time"
"I said, 'Oh at long last, the issue of LGBT people is being introduced into Star Trek.' I had been campaigning for a long time on that."--Takei
He just thought personally the creative way to do it right is to introduce a new character that was LGBT and not to change an existing character.
But yeah, some people have got some serious problems if they can get upset by something as innocuous as that. If we hadn't been told going in I don't think a lot of people would have even registered it as a gay relationship.
Same here, but I wasn't even aware of this talk of him being gay in the first place. I just found out about it in the thread. That said, I honestly thought the guy was either a father or older brother, it never even dawned on me a partner.
The one thing I hated about the gay Sulu scene was the missed opportunity to make his partner look almost exactly like Kirk - so much so, that when Kirk looked over he had to do a double take (like that pigeon in Moonraker).
That would have been truly awesome, been something William Shatner and George Takei would have appreciated, and set up some great tention in subsequent bridge scenes.
What point did it serve? It did not add to the story. It was a token gesture that not even Takei himself liked. It was just a meaningless "Oh look we are so progressive" action. Symbolism over substance
I found it annoying that his dude was asian as well. Why not mexican?
Most likely because of their daughters name: Demora Sulu I doubt the baby you see his partner is carrying would end up with a pure Asian name, if Sulu's partner was a Mexican, Afro American, Caucasian or what ever other ethnic background his partner would have.
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I also wondered why no kiss - surely that would have been the natural reaction to being reunited with one's partner? Or would a kiss have been a step too far?
Of course it was pointless. Do you folks really don't get it? In the times of Startrek TOS, there had to be a black actor in it. Uhura. She didn't do much else than looking good and saying Yes Captain. But she was there because she was black. And that was a good thing. That's what made Whoopie Goldberg join the Startrek universe. Today we have the situation that producers seem to be forced to put some gay people in every TV show. It is required, obviously. The big problem is that while it is absolutely right and positive to see people of different colours of skin on screen, with gays it is a different story. Many normal, heterosexual people, are offended by this and with good reason. While being black, or red, or "yellow" is completely normal in nature, being gay is against nature because nature wants its creatures to reproduce. The put gay people in TV-shows or movies without any other reason than that there have to be gays too, will result in the producers loosing a lot of their audiences. When I saw those pirates kissing each other in Black Sails, I stopped watching the show immediatly. I absolutely support that gays have the same rights and should not be discriminated in daily life! We are all human beings, after all. However, it shouldn't be shown so often in movies and shows. That is contraproductive and does not serve the cause of gay people at all. That's my opinion. End of transmission.
being gay is against nature because nature wants its creatures to reproduce.
Tell that the ants or bees. One queen is reproducing. All the others, according to you, act against nature. Homosexuality appears in wildlife btw. Even in humans it might have a function to allow the communities to survive. While there are not gay parents, there can be very well gay uncles and aunts.
When I saw those pirates kissing each other in Black Sails, I stopped watching the show immediatly.
Maybe it is good that there are less and less shows for people like you. You don't deserve quality tv.
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Ants and bees? That's a good one. Those animals have a different way to reproduce. You don't seem to understand. Nature wants its creatures to reproduce in the way appropriate to each species. In the way nature intends. It's really that easy.
Nature wants its creatures to reproduce in the way appropriate to each species.
And when you look at the units early humans formed, they were optimized for exactly that. At no point was it about everybody reproducing at once. Of course the question is how far you want to go back. When we left the trees? Or the water? Nature is about survival of the species which adapts the best. Squeezing out offspring is just one strategy, but by no means the only one "natural".
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A lot of mamals handle it like packs of wolves and have one male to reproduce, while the others just stabilize the group or challenge the alpha. Meerkats teach their young how to eat risky food rather than to squeeze out enough that they would survive by trial and error. The idea that number is the only factor leading for a species to survive is obviously utter nonsense.
Sorry Martin, but any time anyone brings up the "nature abhors homosexuality" argument it merely shows they know nothing whatsoever about nature, or animals. In just about every species thus far studied, especially mammalian & avian, there is always a relatively low but definite percentage of the population who practice "homosexuality," by mating &/or setting up housekeeping permanently.
Rant, scream, & hyperventilate all you want; if God designed the animals, he built homosexuality into all of 'em. If nature & evolution were the 'designers,' they did the same thing. It is simply a fact of life; homosexuality is. If everyone in a species practiced it, obviously that species wouldn't survive. If a relatively small percentage does, some or all of the time, no problem, things go on. The ontological development of gender is a much more complicated & non-binary process than most people realize, & there's lots of opportunities for placement along the gender/gender preference spectrum. It's only the "icky-poo-yuck" response of certain individuals that makes it any sort of problem....for them, & thus (tragically) for others.
Sorry, but facts trump hysteria, no matter what certain folks would like to believe. And there really are such things as real facts.
I am religious and homosexuality is a sin. Period. I don't need you telling me otherwise. There are 2.2 billion Christians in the world and 1.6 billion Muslims. It is also a sin in Judaism. While not all the people that practice those religions actually follow them closely, their doctrines tell them it is a sin. You have no higher moral authority than my God.
"Your God", being the invention of man, can't exactly have a higher moral authority than a person. In fact a fictional entity does not have any authority whatsoever.
As far as I interpreted the scene, Sulu was greeted by his older brother / cousin / colleague or other close companion who brought his daughter. I read no homosexual relationship there and don't see the fuss.
And so what if Sulu is gay? It's alternative timeline and they can change anything they like! And if Elton John can have same-sex marriage and have a child in 2010, why can't it be in 2263?
Classics are names that everyone heard, yet most have never seen!!
Because that's not who the character is. Gene Roddenbery has said so, George Takei has said so. Takei himself does not like this change. Changing the timeline can change your job, your home, your spouse, but it cannot change your sex, or sexual orientation. It doesn't make any sense.
---------- Star Trek Canon is more of what you'd call guidelines then actual rules!
Changing the timeline can change your job, your home, your spouse, but it cannot change your sex, or sexual orientation. It doesn't make any sense.
They used the "alternate timeline" excuse to change Ricardo Montalban into Benedict Cumberbatch. You're either on board with the concept or you aren't.
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yeah, with all the internet fuss made about this i was watching out for it... turns out he was just met at the 'airport' by his brother with his neice... at least thats the way most people could/would/might interpret it... no big deal... and nothing to get stressed out about...(i asked my wife and she thought he was saying hello to a friend or family member at the 'airport'...
When I saw this thread, I thought it must have been people complaining about the ridiculous beastie boys destroys the aliens while the ship surfs a wave/pipe of fire scene but that went longer than 10 seconds so I was curious. Turns out everyone was worried about a completely forgettable family reunion. Move along people.
hypocritelunaticfanaticheretic It's almost never Lupus