Canceled :(

Really hope another network picks this up..!!!


I was really looking forward to having several seasons!


Me2... Don't understand how they juge series anymore this had oright ratings


It can't be cancelled!! Boo hoo!!



too stupid to be alive!

I was tryin' to explain why, but I just realize that you may be too stupid to understand!


@loverofall. You just went full retard.




Australia has Blue Ribbon Day to remember the filth that have been killed on duty. It makes me laugh. Love pork, hate pigs! My amusement is worth them dying for. Oh speaking of which Richie Benaud died last night woohoo!! I hate Cricket and am so sick of walking near a TV and hearing his voice. For the same reason I'm so happy Tony Greg is long dead also. Sport is a business for the brain dead masses. It's beyond irrelevant.

Wow. I think i missed the sarcasm? Are you my nomination for tool of the year? At the very least you belong in the upper-echelons of internet dicketry. That's quite a feat to say the least! I guess this is where we come to celebrate and bask in the death of any loved ones you lose too?

For the record, stating something as "beyond irrelevant" is itself irrelevant when your own opinion is seemingly so mired in idiocy, self-aggrandisement and a total lack of empathy; some would suggest that paints you as a psychopath or at the very least a social pariah. Maybe see someone about that.

Please don't mention your country of origin on any future posts though - you're not just embarrassing yourself, but all the decent people who come from where you were (unluckily for us) born too.


realllyyyyyyyyy. its a crap show. with no base and storyline


@raozaib totally agree... awful acting, terrible scripting, woeful stories. no wonder most people don't take sic-fi seriously


TO BENTARD:i bet you chewed on your shoes as a small child


ABC SUCKS!!! This was the best of the new shows. Great chemistry, and so much potential for the storyline. Of course, steaming piles of cheap crap get renewed instead....


This was on FOX,BTW!!!


This is all my fault.

"They" monitor my viewing and if I show real interest in a program, it is usually cancelled.

The same thing happens at the grocery, if I'm regularly buying a product, it will be withdrawn.


Most of my favorite shows get cancelled after 1 or 2 seasons, or even just a few episodes.

"When I'm good, I'm GOOD. When I'm bad, I'm BETTER."


What fresh hell is this!? I was really getting into this and Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. It figures. Other great sci-fi/fant stuff that's really pissed me off by getting canceled:

Dead Like Me
No Ordinary Family
The Dresden Files
Terra Nova

At least Jericho got to come back for a few episodes to tie up the story line.
Next thing you'll be telling me Franklin & Bash isn't coming back on...

"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines." --Steven Wright


like my other post, fox has a looonnnnggggg history of cancelling scifi shows.


Reaper - Never watched
Dead Like Me - Never watched
No Ordinary Family - Never watched
The Dresden Files - I liked
Terra Nova - Dumbest, most poorly written show I had see in a long time. Glad it was canceled.
Firefly - Tears come to my eyes even now - Why Fox Why?


No Ordinary Family was absolutely was painful to watch.
So corny, so full of plotholes...such a disappointment.


You are apparently a prophet (re F & B)...



Don't feel you have to shoulder ALL of the blame. You see, you and I are part of a special test market group. We have refined taste, desire intelligent writing with imagination and vision. The grocery products we prefer usually are high in quality, but inexpensive to produce, so they cannot justify keeping them on the shelves because, though they make profit, they aren't appreciated by the widest possible and most important test market group.

Most people enjoy watching TV that does not require an IQ above 100, enjoy eating food that has the same familiar flavor, just re-packaged and sold with a new shape and color.

Like Steve Martin said about McDonalds, it's all the same "stuff":

"Hamburger....(sploosh!)....Malt....(sploosh!)...Paper Box...(sploosh!)...Here's your change...(sploosh!) Thank you! :-)"

Love is like breathing. You have to take some in and let it out to live.


Haha I think the same way



Your complaints match my wife's. When she finds a delicious product in the Supermarket, they soon stop carrying it. She finds a series we both can agree one such as Almost Human and its cancelled.

Lets See

1. Sarah Connor Chronicles.
2. Firefly.
3. Dollhouse-Sped up resolution to the series.
4. The Fugitive Reboot.
5. Dracula.
6. Rake- Never did find out what he carried in that paper bag.
7. The V Reboot
8. The Fantasy Island Reboot- Malcolm McDowell, dam what more do you need.
9. The Gates.
10. Alcatraz.

And to think of all the crap shows that thrive like smallpox.


LOL, I know how you feel. Same thing happened to Carnivale, Sea Quest, Enterprise, Jack & Bobby, etc.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


I know I was so disappointed this was cancelled. I don't think I'll be investing in any other new series FOX brings out just in case it gets cancelled.
fingers crossed it gets picked up by another network :)

God is an astronaut, Oz is over the rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live.


FOX seems to "get off" cancelling sci-fi shows...they just shouldn't pick them up and let another network take them.

Any other network would have renewed this show, but now I doubt anyone will take them on...I'm hoping SyFy takes them on after they cancel Dominion.


AMEN!! all the words I was thinking. They cancelled Terra Nova but it sort of had an ending at least. This one just ends with a weak justice. Not a real stopping point. Fox creates some of the best SCIFI shows only to crush our hearts and cancel after a few episodes.


I was surprised how much I liked it. I'm guessing the cost of production vs. money from advertising wasn't hitting the mark for the studio.

Brought to you by Carl's Jr


not surprised, fox has no clue what to do with scifi shows.. surprised this one even made it as far as it did and the worst part is fox will make sure no one can ever pick the show up... for the love of god fox get rid of the useless old farts running your company!


How do u know for sure? firefly went on to make movie w/o fox . Entirely produced by Universal, it's possible Netflix could pick it up, or even amazon!


Shame it was cancelled. Networks don't give shows a chance anymore.


Disappointed this is canned. Episode plots and scripts were weak but the chemistry between Urban and Ealy was great. Ealy is a hugely underestimated actor who is always able to bring humour and lightness in combination with intensity and the big screen skill - stillness. Guess the interesting dynamic between the two leads was lost beneath the lack-lustre weekly stories. There was so much more the show could have explored. Let's hope Ealy is picked up quickly, and this time in something less 'designed-by-committee'!
