MovieChat Forums > Ben-Hur (2016) Discussion > Chinese version cuts away ALL Jesus.part...

Chinese version cuts away ALL

I just got back from theater, I was impressed by Chinese censor department. They did it again, like what roman do back in 2000 years ago: Deny Jesus, and his existance.

Can you guys imagine that? after the Fast&Furious horse race, it just skip the crucifying part, and Ben Hur reunion with his brother, without a sign, and I'm like "???!!!"

Good job, Commies, you killed Jesus again.


Well, think of it this way, an excruciatingly boring theatre experience was made a bit shorter.

Skipping page long posts for over a year now.


Considering how unimportant Jesus is in this version, that must have made the film all of four minutes shorter. Though it was probably motivated by a humanitarian desire to save audiences from Rodrigo Santoro's atrocious acting - or possibly was done by Chinese Christians who didn't want their countrymen to think Jesus was really as boring as he made Him look.

"Security - release the badgers."


Well at least you did not have to suffer much then.

It's that man again!!


So the film just ends after the chariot race? Wow, that is strange. I feel sorry for any people that have a government that decides what they can see..

Fabio Testi is GOD


Yeah, it's much better to have Jew-run Hollywood decide what we can see.


"It's much better to have Jew-run Hollywood decide what we can see..."

Exactly; which is why i almost never watch Hollywood movies. %98 of movies that come out of Hollywood are excrement, made by Jews looking to make money. The ONLY other US production I watched this year was "12 Years A Slave." I turned it off after 45 minutes because it was a piece of putrid garbage. Hollywood makes films that are completely devoid of ANY artistic qualities; it's all generic, soulless, mainstream trash. I enjoyed "Ben-Hur" however, mainly because it reminded me of the old Hollywood epics from the Golden age. I like "Gladiator" for the same reason.

Fabio Testi is GOD


. The ONLY other US production I watched this year was "12 Years A Slave." I turned it off after 45 minutes because it was a piece of putrid garbage. Hollywood makes films that are completely devoid of ANY artistic qualities; it's all generic, soulless, mainstream trash. I enjoyed "Ben-Hur" however, mainly because it reminded me of the old Hollywood epics from the Golden age.

Whether you like 12 Years a Slave or not it is undeniable that it has several symptoms and properties of an art film. The hanging sequence alone is an absolute antithesis of mainstream or Hollywood (and it's not Hollywood anyway, it's a British film if anything). Ben Hur remake has none of that, like Scorsese says about modern films: "The images don't mean anything". In the best of old epics the sure did. Wyler's Ben Hur has more in common with 12 Years a Slave than with the abominable remake.


What do you expect. Jesus represents freedom on every level which is totally opposed to communism and athiesm. Can't have the truth getting to their brainwashed sheep now can you.


Atheism is what you say?

Which religion has purged away by force every other religion in its path in Europe, Africa and pretty much everywhere else in the world the disease has spread?

Well, its christianity (and the other abrahamic religions).

You should close your fantasy book (bible) and look outside.


You should close your fantasy book (bible) and look outside.

I can guarantee i have read more about Christianity and every other religion than you and going off actual historical fact, Christianity is the only faith that stands up.

Not that it is important but for the people that want to find it, it is there.

If Jesus is so big on the freedom thing, then whey do the Christian Dominionists try so hard to control my uterus? My bedroom activities? My child's ability to learn scientific facts in school?
We get all the freedom to do what they think we ought to do. I guess that's freedom (?)

Wha!!!! Who does that? There are no such things unless you live in the 12th century.

I think Jesus represents slavery in modern times, and is even begetting a little nicer to watch upon these days because dumb people knows no history and cannot fathom what stupid mistakes old school rulers did a long time ago, but yet many modern people think timeline is born fresh because they were born in it and sadly think adorning fetishist hopes within their mediocre lives makes their World look better.

Ahaha. You obviously don't know what slavery is.

But if you talking about spiritual slavery well i would rather keep it simple and have faith in a higher power than be a slave to world and all it's falseness and evil. By the way i can tell you i know more about religions than you do and i reject them all except Christianity. It is the only one that stands up and will continue to get stronger and stronger.


I can guarantee i have read more about Christianity and every other religion than you and going off actual historical fact, Christianity is the only faith that stands up.

Not that it is important but for the people that want to find it, it is there.

You know that christianity is just one of many branches that came from judaism. Judaism is just a mix and copies of older religions again. All *beep*

You religious people cant even agree on your religions, thats why there are so many branches of the same religion. Not to mention all the religious motivated conflicts in the world.

Religion sucks...


The problem with religion is people. We are always the weak point

People are imperfect so religion is imperfect.

Doesn't mean it is wrong, it just means peoples interpretation is wrong.


Since religion without humans doesn't exist you can't say humans are the weak point of religion. If anything religion is the weak point of humans but I digress. Religion does have a weak point and you pointed it out yourself: interpretation.

Every religion based on a god or gods is wide open to interpretation. For instance, the most scholarly Christian theists of the 16th and 17th centuries who spent every moment of their waking lives studying religious texts were absolutely positive that their god god wanted people burned alive as witches. The "God of Vengeance" was their interpretation while your "God of Love" is a fairly new creation, an interpretation to suit more modern sensibilities. Neither one of you can claim truth, however, because both can use the vagaries and contradictions of the Bible to suit your beliefs, beliefs that in the average person are based more on the times than they would care to admit. Put you in Bavaria in 1600 and you'd be right up there with everyone else believing you've done the right thing in burning ten year old Hoel Pappenheimer to death.

Christianity for nearly two thousand years was a vicious, blood thirsty religion (and still is in certain sects). Remove modernity and the comforts that come with it, not to mention full bellies, and the God of Love will quickly revert back to the God of Vengeance whose taste for blood is never satiated. If there is any truth to be found in god based religions it is of the personal, not universal, type and therefore not truth at all.

"Nothing is more ill bred than trying to steal the affections of someone else's dog."


"If Jesus is so big on the freedom thing, then whey do the Christian Dominionists try so hard to control my uterus? My bedroom activities? My child's ability to learn scientific facts in school?
We get all the freedom to do what they think we ought to do. I guess that's freedom (?)"
"Wha!!!! Who does that? There are no such things unless you live in the 12th century."

Pardon me if I assumed that you were from the USA, or were at least familiar with politics in the USA.
Christian Dominionists here are trying to make children's science books teach that a Christian God made the world and that evolution does not exist, which is contrary to the most basic scientific knowledge.
They fight to keep it/ make it illegal for gays and lesbians to get married or to adopt children.
They want to outlaw abortion and teach "abstinence only" curricula to school children, which basically means that they wish to teach the children nothing about human reproduction except "don't do it".
Don't even get me started with the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision that allows an employer to restrict it's health insurance coverage to exclude IUDs because they are "abortifacients" (which is not how they actually work at all).

I still say: there is no freedom in Christianity when Christians try to turn my country into a theocracy.


If Jesus is so big on the freedom thing, then whey do the Christian Dominionists try so hard to control my uterus? My bedroom activities? My child's ability to learn scientific facts in school?
We get all the freedom to do what they think we ought to do. I guess that's freedom (?)


"Jesus represents freedom on every level"

I think Jesus represents slavery in modern times, and is even begetting a little nicer to watch upon these days because dumb people knows no history and cannot fathom what stupid mistakes old school rulers did a long time ago, but yet many modern people think timeline is born fresh because they were born in it and sadly think adorning fetishist hopes within their mediocre lives makes their World look better.


"Jesus represents freedom on every level"

I think Jesus represents slavery in modern times, and is even begetting a little nicer to watch upon these days because dumb people knows no history and cannot fathom what stupid mistakes old school rulers did a long time ago, but yet many modern people think timeline is born fresh because they were born in it and sadly think adorning fetishist hopes within their mediocre lives makes their World look better in their still extremely small but obnoxiously well-payed bedroom.


" Jesus represents freedom "

A thousand years of Dark Ages are proof of the opposite : damn christians always lie.


Cuts away his parts, you say? I thought they just crucified him and poked him with a stick.

Hasn't the poor guy suffered enough?


"Hasn't the poor guy suffered enough?"



maybe they just don't like rodrigo santoro


They probably were hoping to Photoshop their god Mao in place of Jesus, but the director refused to have him appear in commy uniform.
