What team are you on?

I have seen lots of posts about everyone's sympathy toward Marcel, and fury toward Elijah. I was curious how many people are rooting for Marcel, and how many are rooting for the Mikaelsons.

I am personally rooting for the Mikaelsons. Not because I believe they are not at fault, or do not sympathize with Marcel. I simply root for them, because I started to watch this show for them. In many cases their actions are abhorrent, but I made the choice to know that is what the show would be about.


Team Mikaelson all the way, for the reasons you say. And because Marcel is a power-hungry, hypocritical windbag.


i miss claire holt.


They've done a good job killing off almost all the women! Misogynist much?


Team Mikaelson, mostly same reasons as you, but a couple more:

-Marcel is acting like he's not responsible for his own choices, which is really annoying
-Marcel's revenge scheme doesn't even make much sense (targeting Davina) and, if he succeeds, there'd be a bodycount of tens of thousands

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


Team Mikaelson Always and Forever, til Forever ends.......no matter how Marcel wants to tarnish their family motto


Team Mickelson...for the same reasons you gave.




I am on the story side. I think the writers have done pretty good job over and all by creating a situation/ scenario where you can side/ root with one team and be happy about that decision.

I understand this show is about Mikaelsons but I dont think that the writers intention is for Mikaelsons to gain sympathy in every situations and they have done a pretty good job in achieving that purpose, at least that is the case with me.

At the moment there is no team with united front. I think everyone has a valid point and their reactions are appropriate.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


This.At the moment there is no team with united front.

I am on the story side too.

Everything a character does,is not always acceptable for me,no matter how much i like him/her.


Everything a character does,is not always acceptable for me,no matter how much i like him/her.


------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


Same, and to quote Elijah; "I don't do teams".

The first rule of truly living, do the thing you're most afraid of -Rebekah Mikaelson


Same here. All of the characters have pretty clear motivations and rationales for behaving the way they do, and reducing it to teams almost makes it seem as though they don't.

I'm here for the writers actually telling a pretty interesting story here with high emotional stakes.


I actually agree with you. I only created the post, because I noticed how upset and angry the board was at Elijah. There is a thread dedicated to his death. I ask just to get a consensus on where everyone is at, and this was the best way I felt I could articulate that. I also agree that all characters are justified as I tried to state in my post, but it seems that did not get across. I sympathize very strongly with Marcel, but in the end the show is about the Mikaelson's, so I do not wish for their demise.


Some people got your point.


I hope so. I wonder why people started watching the show if they didn't expect to see the characters doing awful and shocking things.


No one's saying they didn't expect them to do awful and shocking things. But the mark of good writing is allowing said things to translate into strong, character-driven story arcs -- which is what they're attempting to do for the most part. The fact that Elijah's actions have garnered such a strong reaction as well as Marcel's whether for or against them, is an indicator that the writers are at least doing something right.


The fact that Elijah's actions have garnered such a strong reaction as well as Marcel's whether for or against them, is an indicator that the writers are at least doing something right.

^ this.

------Choose your relationships wisely. It's better to be alone than to be in bad company------


I completely agree. I think this is the best storyline either TVD or TO has ever done. What I take issue with are the moral judgments, as if people didn't expect for these characters to do horrific things. You may not be one of those people who are saying these things, but there are lots of people on this board who are.




I'm Team Marcel and Team Klaus (and by extension Hope). That may seem contradictory but I'm not really here for people to 'win' and be happy or whatever. I'm really just here for characters that are actually proving to be interesting and dynamic, whose interactions will yield a lot of dramatic mileage and these two are that for me.

I'm also Team Freya because I like powerful witches and I'm intrigued by her character arc right now, which is definitely skewing towards deeper and deeper darkness. Before, she was a character who had done 'bad' things but mostly she'd been a victim of her aunt and a prisoner, and all she wanted was to reunite her family. Now she's getting darker and going to more dangerous lengths to do so, and it makes her interesting to watch.

Elijah should experience some form of contrition and at least face what he truly is: a monster. I wouldn't mind if he died for a few episodes either as that might jump start the character given how static and dull he's become. Hayley needs to grow back a spine, she's boring around Elijah so I'm not team her at the moment.

The show needs to shake things up as it moves into its next era, and I'm hoping the writers manage to do that (they've already started by killing off two semi-central characters, and now turning over the power dynamics again should make things interesting). So really, I'm team telling a good, melodramtic, operatic family story and taking some risks and so far they're delivering pretty well.


Elijah isn't going to die. Yes, he's a monster just like the rest. He's extremely flaud.

Still love Elijah.

I'll leave you to your Elijah hate.


I agree. I still love Elijah. I don't think he is doing anything that is out of character, and in some ways I can sympathize with him just as I do Marcel. I think a lot of this is biased toward characters, as opposed to objectivity.




I agree still love Elijah...but the show being fiction its more subjective on ones own personal view point or prospective.


Note I said he needs to die for a while (i.e. be daggered) not permanently. There was a time when I really loved the character but in my opinion the writers have written him into a corner and I'd be interested for them to find a way to get him out and make him intriguing and full-bodied again.

But yes, I certainly just 'hate' the character. 😒
