I hate to sound like an ass, but you are mostly wrong in your posts. Not, I think, from a lack of understanding or an "attempt to rewrite history," but instead, from a desire to see the best in everyone.
Yes, there are many examples of small communities living and working together for the greater good, often without "modern" conveniences. However, those utopian communities tend to fall apart when they grow too large. This is what is known as the "free-rider problem." There are too many instances where people tend to take advantage of communities without contributing anything back. Check out Mancur Olsen for more about this (famous political scientist).
Alas, while Europeans did commit genocide on a massive scale, it is a bit much to claim it was merely for conquest. There are way more reasons than that for what went down with Native tribes, literally too many to list here. I agree that saying all tribes were at war with one another is a dumb thing to say. Many tribes were fairly peaceful. Yet, out of the hundreds of different tribes on the North American continent when Europeans first colonized, more than a few were war-like societies constantly in a state of conflict with each other.
Saying that most ships that came here were filled with assassins and psychopaths while the Native tribes were more advanced than the Europeans is nonsensical. Technologically speaking, Europeans of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were the most advanced human beings had ever been. Much more so than the great civilizations in the Americas. Check out the "Columbian Exchange," which talks about how these two civilizations influenced each other.
Finally, modern society is based upon trade, often large-scale trade across vast distances. Lets say, hypothetically speaking, the power DOES go out across the entire United States. There would be no way to continue trade and society collapses in days. According to some research I've done, there is enough food in the City of New York to last three days without a constant influx of shipping (mostly trucking goods from distribution centers around the US). After three days, you'll have millions of people fighting for what is left. No matter how civilized you were, when you or your loved ones are starving without any other recourse, there will be the desire to do anything to fix it. This includes killing/stealing/lying, all marks of an uncivilized person.
Most people lack the skills to survive without modern society. Probably something like 90% of the population would die fairly soonish. Just imagine the disease that would run rampant without indoor plumbing. If human waste is within about 500 yards from your water supply, you'll die from disease. If you live someplace where there is no freshwater supply without piping it in, you'll die. These are just the facts of life as we know it. Civilization would collapse without indoor plumbing.
And before you ask, I am literally a trained historian with a BS and MA in history, with an emphasis in political science and the American West.