Awful ending and movie.

I've seen thousands of movies in my life but that movie will forever stand as one of the worst. The characters portrayed were very stupid and I didn't care what happens to them at all. The movie ended abruptly and just rushed to a finish. Luckily I didn't pay money to watch this movie if I did I would've got more entertainment if I just burned my money. Does anyone else feel the same way?


OMG YES! why would they burn the house??? it makes no sence, so many things about this movie really pissed me off..

a depressing & BLEAK movie.


I agree. The first half was ok yet what was left [after the boyfriend left] was an illogical, unrealistic, non-magical and silly chickflick *beep*


Terrible movie. It had a lot of potential starting off, but a rape and pregnancy in these types of movies is a big cliche. The story was almost non-existent. The house appeared to be a very nice expensive house and 1 and 1/2 years later it just started falling down. Instead of trying to repair it, it was a better idea to leave it and stay in the forest and burn everything using their last bit of gas, they even burned tables, etc which could be used in an new structure. Ultimately, the writing was beyond bad.



30-year-old Ellen Page as a 17 year old virgin? Who thought that was good casting? (And I like Page, but, please) Either change the age of the character or cast a younger actress.


The ending was unreal. Just so terrible. Its like they literally ran out of ideas how to end things so they came up with that pish. Pathetic.


Boy I agree 100%. I sat through this film just waiting for something of some redeeming quality to show itself, instead it just went straight down hill. I adore both actresses but they went together like oil and water. I would never believe for one minute they were sisters, them walking from the Pacific Northwest to Boston. Sure and gosh did they learn how to farm quickly. The house looked in pretty good shape to me and just rots away in 2 years plus never showing a winter. Ok done. Great acting to try to pull it off but screenplay was a joke. Gets a 2.


That ending was Such BS!
