MovieChat Forums > A Madea Christmas (2013) Discussion > Who Wants to see these movies?

Who Wants to see these movies?

Im not trying to be rude as. I understand There is an audiance for anything. But does anybody really find this character funny? Martin lawrence tired this 13 years ago and it want funny then either, it had better suporting cast but still... Who finds The drag gag funny? Even real drag Queens Must hate these movies.


I don't know, but i can tell you who doesn't and that is me, and I bet a lot of people.



young boy in lingerie, enough said.

Internet Trolls don't get a rise out of people, only sympathy.


I enjoy all the Madea movies. I like the Madea character I don't always like the rest of the characters and stories. I'm white. My daughter and granddaughter like the Madea movies. My family (rainbow) like the Madea movies. I don't like the serious Tyler Perry movies. I have seen all of them.


The fact that people are talking about the movie good or bad makes it relevant. You took time out of your day to comment on this movie so you were thinking about it. Why not spend time talking about a movie you actually watched just saying...







I do! This movie is hilarious! Madea is hilarious!
