MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (2019) Discussion > Reactions from Star Trek Discovery fans?

Reactions from Star Trek Discovery fans?

Let me guess... Star Trek Discovery fans who saw The Twilight Zone premiere on CBS All Access think its "hands down, best version of The Twilight Zone since Rod Serling's" and "loved every minute of it".

I wonder if they'll start using the same talking points they use to promote Discovery: "Well you can't judge it on ONE episode. All first seasons of The Twilight Zone had a poorly received premiere episode, you just gotta give it time" and "Perhaps the real reason you dislike the show is having a black man as host is too much for you? Sad that you can't accept anyone but straight white males in the 21st century"


Aww... it’s trying so hard. Cute.

Talking points? Yet predictably you’re here using the same talking points as the rest of the “we poor straight white males are being treated unfairly by Hollywood and millennials” and “let’s make false equivalencies and purposely misinterpret the statements of supposed anti-white male people” crowd. Clearly agenda-driven yourself and are regurgitating the same BS as all the other anti-PC drones that are undeniably whining excessively (hypocrite snowflakes).

Ironic though. What? Nothing... I just KNOW if the old Stark Trek & Twilight Zone were to come out today for the first time, the anti-PC leeches (not disappointed open minded viewers) would be criticizing these shows for the same reasons they can’t stand the new incarnations. For their quality? If only that were the main/real reason. Fair to assume many like u were waiting to slam the new Twilight Zone the moment it was announced, and you know exactly why so spare me any pretenses.

Got any more of that ad nauseam, bro? In that case... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
