Criminally Underpromoted

This great film made less than 27 million. That is ridiculous. There has to be a reason. I only remember seeing commercials for it about 3 times. And yesterday when I tried to convince a female online friend to see it she said, (paraphrased) "I watched the trailer...and I'm sorry, but it is soooo not my kind of movie."

Then I watched ALL the trailers I could find, and I see what she means. They all make it look like some sophomoric Stevel Segal shoot 'em up all the way through.

Now granted, there is gun violence, but to simply characterize this film as an "action flick" is akin to calling The Sopranos a show that's just about Mafia murders, or that Six Feet Under is about undertakers.

The trailers really betray the film, imho.

Anybody else thing so?

It just annoys the hell out of me that films like the Fast and Furious, and The Transformers, make boatloads of cash. And rare gems like HoHW make peanuts because mo one knows how good they really are until Oscar time rolls around. But by then they're out of the theatres and can only make money thru DVD sales and rentals.

It's a shame.

"Stick with me, baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk."


It was heavily promoted on TV, Radio, and billboards here in the Southern California. I remember the radio ad quoting critics' praises equating it to No Country for Old Men and such. Maybe it wasn't promoted in Texas?



I agree, this movie deserved more attention.
