MovieChat Forums > Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016) Discussion > If you see this film you are supporting ...

If you see this film you are supporting abuse of women...

Depp is being defended by the typical MRA misogynists that always come out of the woodwork when news like this hits. Amber is a victim and deserves a level of financial support that will allow her to live the life she has become accustomed to. It's 2016!


Amber was never abused and she only brought out the DV card when she was denied $50k in spousal support.


Holy **** Millennial_Voter, STFU


I watched this movie and didnt know Depp was in it and didnt know he was the voice of the cat. So I don't count as being a supporter since I had no clue he was in this movie


he was the hatter...


Yes,it's 2016 and a highly employable woman of 30 with several film roles already lined up can and should be able to support herself. If she was physically abused by her husband then charges should be brought against him and he should be punished as any other first time offender would be which would not likely include much, if any actual jail time. Abuse is a criminal activity that has no bearing on the finances of the individuals involved. As long as there are people like you who believe that a dollar value can and should be placed on the legitimate pain and suffering of abuse victims, charges of abuse are going to be viewed skeptically when the accused is a multi-millionaire. Abuse has nothing to do with money unless one believes that the wealthy should be able to buy their way out of consequences while those without sufficient resources to make the abuse worth enduring should pay with their personal liberty.


This has absolutely NOTHING to do with this movie.


It has everything to do with this movie if viewing this is considered a thumbs up for abuse of women as the OP asserts.


Obviously the op has the wrong mindset.


Except for the fact that every single eyewitness account says otherwise. Her 'bruse' didn't show up until the day she filed charges, also when the exact moment she claims it happened, their bodyguards say that Depp wasn't anywhere near her when they ran into the room. She's lying. And you're falling for it based on her sexual preferences and gender. That's horribly sad.


Yeah, I;m going to wait on this one before making any rushed judgements. I will say that if you go see this movie, you are supporting crap filmmaking.

Trying to create a funny, engaging YouTube channel. If you guys check it out, hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.


It was a short marriage that should probably never have taken place. If it's 2016 she should be able to take care of herself. That's what women try to do now. And she doesn't seem to be as pure as the driven snow herself.
