MovieChat Forums > Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016) Discussion > Alice is getting SLAMMED by Critics!!

Alice is getting SLAMMED by Critics!!

Looks like Alice and X-Men will have something in common on the 27th...Rotten scores by critics..šŸ­


And another one bites the dust... Warcraft's competition is falling one by one. Make room for a new era of VG adaptations!


The ones I read were very good


but Disney pays off critics...



I've no doubt it will suck. As if it weren't enough that Alice in Wonderland 2010 was atrocious this one seems to be doubling down for more of the same. Fantastic and trippy CGI landscapes. WOW! We've never seen that before! It looks worse than any practical effects and worse than classic drawn animation.


The reviews are actually praising the VFX.

~Never Forget. Never Forgive."


Great!! If the critics hate it usually I like it. Critics criticize but they rarely create. Sadly this world has forgotten how to "enjoy" movies. I'm sure some of the great films of yesterday were they made today would be slammed by critics and have low scores on RT. I never allow critics or group-think to tell me whether or not I like a movie...I think on my own and decide on my own and based off of what I like. We are living in the most critical age ever, most movies are destined to get panned unless they are some stupid artsy, weirdo junk, it's cool to be a movie hater now, shallow people get their jollies from it. I rarely ever read reviews because why should I? Why should I let someone who I don't even know tell me if I like or dislike a movie. I'm glad I'm not critical, I'm glad I'm not a hater, I'm glad that I actually ENJOY movies rather than pick them apart and criticize everything about them. Looking forward to enjoying this with my kiddos just as much as I enjoyed the first one (which also got panned by critics)

Also enjoy X-men (timeline is screwy if one can't think through it but they are still fun flicks)


What are you going on about? Are you daft? You just sound bitter because a movie you were excited about sucks. It happens. Get over it.


Umm ok. No I'm not "daft" as you put it and I'm sure not "bitter" I'm actually quite happy. I meant EVERYTHING I said in my post...that is how I approach not only movies but life and mine and my families life is really great because of this outlook. If that offends you...well I don't know what to tell you but it sure doesn't mean a person is daft or actually means the opposite which makes me question what your post even means...


Critics and audiences are quite often at odds so don't strain your arms patting yourself on the back. You are not that special a snowflake for wanting to see a big budget summer blockbuster that is unloved by critics.


You go and watch your next 23 Transformers explosion-fests, then.

We'll save our money... since we actually work for it.


That was the best and most intelligent response I have read on IMDB if not the internet in a long time ksmith-58348. Thank you for the ray of sunshine in this dismal moor.

So long and thanks for all the fish!


or you could come to your own conclusion instead of letting others tell you how you should feel. just a thought.


Agreed. Well haters gotta hate. I work for my money too 24/7...again I stand by my posts even though others have "criticized" it haha! Gotta love Internet forums, it's quite the wonderland ?


Critics are professionals so their word is usually educated on film viewing


They should've slammed the 2010 one too.


They did,the 2010 movie did not get good reviews. GOt a 52% rating on RT.Only a couple of points better then the 2015 movie is getting.
The only reason a crappy film like the 2010 Alice made so much money is that it was the first big 3D movie out the chute after Avatar. ALice 2 will not be as lucky.


X-Men was at least entertaining. This movie was all over the place and completely unnecessary.

Really love film, trying to go for a fun, informative, and hopefully funny YouTube channel. Check it out if you get a chance.

The review right here-
